one time in like year 4 i was laughing at the word sewerage and some girl got me in trouble because she thought i was looking up sex
some girl got me in trouble because she thought i was looking up sex
No, we read the Guiness book or world records looking for sexo and put swear words into the handheld spellcheckers.
i was a repressed christian, so I would look up sex things in the dictionary, cuz my jesus books were certainly not teaching me anything.
My ADHD ass would read the dictionary in class instead of paying attention.
Um....yes. It was fun learning new words and concepts/things and certainly helped expand my vocabulary by a lot.
no, ew, i was never such a loser back then.
i'm the ADULT who reads dictionaries for fun and then I TELL EVERYONE AROUND ME ABOUT IT.
I did. To be fair I was looking up obscure swear words most of the time but still.
No, but I did get detention for interweaving the pages of a bunch of French-English dictionaries while a teacher was arguing with another student.
I got in trouble for laughing at the phrase "flying buttresses." Now, over 2 decades later, I maintain that it is still funny.
I spent most of my time in the library going on Wikipedia binges and using the printer to print out my favorite articles
Man if only we had wikipedia when I was a kid. Instead I scoured Microsoft Encarta lol. It even had a collection of "street view" style panoramas from around the world! I was so fucking insufferable, thought I was so godamm smart cause I basically memorized the science section by like grade 4.