fossilized tree resin

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It was a weak take, but as I recall the focus was more "she believes in awful shit, but she actually believes it and thinks it will help and isn't just grifting." What the takeaway was supposed to be other than "this is a weird person, here's why," I don't know. But then riffing on weird politicians is one of their bits and doesn't always need a larger point.

    • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Weird how Amber’s “bits” always involve siding with the right on social issues and making inappropriate anti-Semitic remarks

        • star_wraith [he/him]
          4 years ago

          weirdly defending Republicans

          My take on Amber and leftists like her is that they hate libs and love dunking just on them so much, that they lose sight of how bad conservatives are.

          Hating on libs is good, but don't go so far with it you start thinking conservatives are kinda not bad...

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            they hate libs so much and love dunking just on them, they lose sight of how bad conservatives are.

            Something everyone here should reflect on once and a while. A lot of libs are a bad month from radicalizing, a lot of conservatives are a bad month from setting up a totally-not-racially-motivated checkpoint with a few armed buddies.

            • CuminAndSalt [he/him]
              4 years ago

              One of the things that bothered me about /r/cth (pbuh) was the idea that always being pushed that conservatives were usually closer to socialism than liberals. A lot of weird romanticizing of white hicks as misguided communists that'll surely abandon their reactionary worldview as soon as some DSA nerd tells them that unions are good or some bullshit. It's an opinion one can only form if your only interaction is with globe emoji neoliberal psychos on twitter

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        siding with the right on social issues

        Where was that here? "This person wants to do awful things but it looks like they at least honestly believe what they're selling" isn't siding with the right on anything. My recollection might be off, but nothing in that segment struck me as "this person has good social views."

        The hosts have some shit takes, some more than others, but we're getting to this weird place where we're waaaaaaaaay too committed to dumping on them for any reason we can possibly scrape together. You can't joke about "what podcast?", still listen to the podcast, get I'm-not-mad-you're-mad when they shit on your forum, then play telephone with segments of the podcast until you come up with something to be pissed at them over. That's gamer drama shit.

        We shouldn't be reaching to dump on anyone who's broadly on the left, because how the fuck are we supposed to get anything done that way? No one wants to join a group where your supposed allies go out of their way to take you down, and pissing matches burn people out. Light ribbing of someone on the left is fine, insinuating that they're a social reactionary or even anti-Semetic without something concrete is not.

        • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Amber is a Succ, she’s not on the left. This wall of text to defend your parasocial friend is besides the point, Amber consistently takes the furthest right position she can without getting exiled by her friend group - themselves a bunch of Brooklyn social chauvinists.

          She’s the right-wing of the left-wing of capital. She’s the furthest right you can be and still be a social democrat, and social democrats are rightwing chauvinists.

            • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              But Amber Defense Squad are all chads of course?

              What’s more pathetic? Calling out opportunism when you see it? Or debasing yourself online and twisting yourself into knots to defend one single person you have grown attached to?

                • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  Amber Stans in this thread are only making two points: 1) We only hate Amber because she’s a woman and are misogynists and 2) Wow dude why do you care so much?

                  Both are bad faith. I’m the only one here making actual points about her positions and politics.

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Amber is a Succ, she’s not on the left.

            Ah yes, the best way to achieve socialism is to take the small slice of America that's to the left of Bernie and divide it up even further. I'm sure we'll have the means of production in hand any day now.

            • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              The best way to achieve socialism is the violent seizure of the means of production by the organized working class, something that Amber and her Jacobin clique fight against. They fight against socialism through their rhetoric and actions. They are not on our side.

              If you want to win, you need to recognize who is even defending your interests or on your side of the battle. Refusal to recognize an enemy does not make them your friend, it makes you vulnerable and naive.

              • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                violent seizure of the means of production by the organized working class

                And you plan on achieving this by alienating a significant percentage of people who are to the left of Bernie, a candidate who was to the left of the most of the Democratic Party? Lmfao good luck

                • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  No significant portion of the working class gives a shit about Amber. They don’t even know who she is.

                  Failure to oust opportunists and grifters will actually alienate a much greater percentage of the growing proletariat movement than allowing them to fester will

                  Trust me, a working class black man gives no shits about the Amber defense squad and is actually more alienated by the white, upper class character of the “left”

                  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
                    4 years ago

                    If you're willing to cast out someone who is an actual labor organizer, who is actively radicalizing people, and who is one of the farthest-left people in the broadest possible definition of the political mainstream, you're never going to get anywhere. You're not fighting a protracted people's war with the dozen True Leftists who agree with you 100%.

                    If you want to organize a significant number of people to do real things, you need to talk to people who are light years farther to the right than wherever you think Amber is. You have to talk to libs, you have to talk to apolitical people who have all sorts of embedded reactionary views, you have to talk to some chuds at least to soften the opposition. And at some point you're going to have to rely on some of those people for help.

        • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Some folks seem to want idols and get very upset when podcast hosts don't live up to that expectation.

          • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            No some people are just sick and tired of social democrat reactionaries and opportunist grifters infesting leftist spaces and your refusal to oust them

            • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Oh well then as the CEO of the leftist space that is the podcast Chapo Trap House, I will immediately go fire Amber

              shes fired

      • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Weird how all the criticisms of Amber are for her dogshit politics and not her gender

        Ironically she would hate you using liberal “idpol” logic to defend her.

        • CarlTheRedditor [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Weird how racists are actually really very earnestly concerned about black on black crime

          • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            The difference is I can easily debunk those arguments.

            You cannot debunk the arguments showing Amber as a social chauvinist, so you have to resort to this

                  • anonymous_ascendent [none/use name]
                    4 years ago

                    Amber is a rightwing social chauvinist and social democrat who opposes socialism. This is a fact. You can’t counter this so first resort is bad faith idpol, second resort is “it doesn’t even matter man chill out I don’t even care anyway”

                    Bad faith all around