I’m not sure what’s going on over there, but half the time I see a post from there or go into a comment section and it’s just…bad. Like old reddit the_donald bad. Constant trolling, etc. You TS just really bad vibes. I’ve been blocking the communities as they come up, but I’m not sure what else I can do.

  • tactical_trans_karen [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    You do realize that NATO and it's member states routinely prop up regimes that persecute the queer community, right? Basic example, universally exerting military pressure in defence of commerce and logistics for trade with Saudi Arabia, a place where we would be executed. They don't stand for our rights or safety, Turkey and Poland are member states for crying out loud! This is a multinational organization who's purpose is increasing arms trade and conflict, not crusade for queer liberation - it would be doing it's business (and does) regardless of human and queer rights violations going on within it's boarders. Queer people outside the west see it and have very negative sentiments towards NATO, do you really want to silence their voices when they'll tell you directly how organizations like this have directly contributed to their suffering? It's a government/military organization, not a human rights organization, it doesn't need anyone here to be running cover for it.