He gave us revision questions that he never gave us the answers to.

"Explain how economic rent can pay to any factor of production" well I barely know what economic rent is, let me check the notes. Oh we've only done two of the four factors of production? Oh economic rent is literally never mentioned in the notes? Oh the only time he brought it up in class was when talking about land, and never in labour? Oh well, I'll come back to this question.

"What is quasi-rent?" Quasi rent? The fuck? What the hell is that? I'll just check the notes. Oh look, the notes never mention quasi-rent. I love economics, favorite class great teacher AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

  • cosecantphi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I love that I never had to bother actually learning economics because my economics teacher had us do all of our multiple choice exams on the school computers for some reason. Was literally able to just google the answers throughout the entire semester because those exams accounted for like 80 percent our grade.