He gave us revision questions that he never gave us the answers to.

"Explain how economic rent can pay to any factor of production" well I barely know what economic rent is, let me check the notes. Oh we've only done two of the four factors of production? Oh economic rent is literally never mentioned in the notes? Oh the only time he brought it up in class was when talking about land, and never in labour? Oh well, I'll come back to this question.

"What is quasi-rent?" Quasi rent? The fuck? What the hell is that? I'll just check the notes. Oh look, the notes never mention quasi-rent. I love economics, favorite class great teacher AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Ok that's great and all but I'm still in school. Like high school. Teachers are supposed to teach us stuff

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Nah, teachers are supposed to show you how to act properly in the feudal court of capital. Good manners and shit, they know if they actually try to teach this stuff to people who aren't as psychotically narcissistic as them people will get wise to the game. This is why they just pick their vat-grown think-tank "wunderkinds" for important shit and the ones who claw their way up are absolute sickos. "The Master's tools will never dismantle the Master's house."

    • Abraxiel
      4 years ago

      Are you doing all your readings? I've had teachers who never mention things in lecture that are covered in the readings without really emphasizing that the text is a large part of the course. It sucked.