And I'm not
Word salad word salad nothing meaningful blah blah blah
For example, my economic policies, think of it and I have named it as "creating an opportunity economy." It's about things like investing in small businesses. I love our small businesses.
Oppurtunity economy is a funny way to say the competition of all against all but with joy
Who doesn't love the opportunity to be forced to work for 50+ years or starve in a ditch
nailed it!
That is really the policy of the corporate Burger Reich
""""Opportunity"""" means both rich real estate tycoons and poor homeless people have the same opportunity to buy a $10 million apartment complex. Both will get letters in the mail notifying them when the complex is up for auction.
Jokes on her, I'm still writing in Biden. Nice try USURPER
Don't worry, she may not be better than Joe Biden, but she's also not blurse than Joe Biden.
She keeps getting in interviews where the interviewer really is just trying to set it up for her, giving her the most obvious questions you’d need to answer, ones you’re supposed to have a good answer for, and she continues to fumble it.
How is she this bad at politics? It’s honestly astounding! Just make something up, for fucks sake! Biden ran on curing cancer!
It's like she's answering every question blind. How do you not have a boilerplate question for the most common question from a friendly interview? She makes George Bush sound clever! Biden's brain is half rotten and even he can muster a more relevant answer!
she's going to win the popular vote by 5 million, and lose the election. lmao. DEMOCRACY!
That seems optimistic for her campaign the way she's running it.
Gets 90+% in California and New York, loses Pennsylvania and Michigan by half a percentage point.
All the election interference bullshit they've passed in Georgia winds up not mattering lol
"please, you must listen to me! i'm literally a wholly different person," kamala pleads as the orderlies are wheeling her away.
in the dim room, the tears of desperation finally break free. in the mirror, joe's dessicated visage contorts into a hideous grin.
And then one of these flies into the room to comfort her:
"Be not afraid, Jack."
And so when we think about the significance of what this next generation of leadership looks like -- were I to be elected president -- it is about frankly, I love the American people and I believe in our country. I love that that it is our character and nature to be an ambitious people. You know, we have aspirations. We have dreams. We have incredible work ethic. And I just believe that we can create and build upon the success we've achieved in a way that we continue to grow opportunity and in that way, grow the strength of our nation.
word salad
It's always word salad if you're trying to speak to the desires of workers but refuse to acknowledge class conflict.
a lot of time it's just empty statements, and even when it is word salad next to nobody does it like Harris
National liberalism identical as 150 years ago. They speak whatever their brain thinks it will sound good, but they mean plundering.
"the difference between joe and i is that we're two different people. he's joe. i'm somebody else. you see, where his family named him joe when he was born, when i was born-- in a completely different location years later, my parents named me something entirely different. my name is kamala. we are different people."
They say there’s no two people on earth exactly the same. No two faces, no two sets of fingerprints. But do they know that for sure? 'Cause they would have to get everybody together in one huge space. And obviously that’s not possible. Even with computers. But not only that, they’d have to get all the people that ever lived, not just the ones now. So they got no proof. They got nothin'.
"well my brain isn't 99% tapioca pudding so that's one major difference right there"
Democratic politician Kamala Harris was asked who's more genocidal: her or current president Joe Biden. Harris answered "I don't compare myself with anybody", rolled up her sleeve to show a tattoo of Adolf Hitler and continued "I'll let you interpret that however you want".