Ludwig's hope is that his new data will light a fire under Congress to address this national emergency.
We're all going to die.
Now, hang on, the plan is not entirely without merit. I like the "light a fire under Congress" part, we could work with that.
We're going to need more kindling than a mere report.
If you measure the unemployed as anybody over 16 years old who isn't earning a living wage, the rate rises even further, to 54.6%. For Black Americans, it's 59.2%.
Nothing will fundamentally change. :this-is-fine:
This is what is going to be the downfall of Biden's presidency and what I expect to accelerate us towards fascism.
Libs just want Trump gone. The average person though is going to be thinking "Ok, now what?" cause once Trump becomes a distant memory, the country will be in for a rude awakening. Trump has ripped the mask off the system and they can no longer cover it. They're going to try with Biden but it will fail, cause the problems are too dire now and are going to continue to get worse.
Highest unemployment since the great depression and Status Quo Joe has no answer for it. At all. His staff is already floating the prospect of passing austerity budgets and blaming that on Trump. Biden isn't going to do jack fucking shit about this. They just want Trump gone and have no answer for what comes after.
I give it 2 years max that these dire economical conditions, recession and unemployment will spawn a seriously reactionary right wing movement in the same vein of the Tea Party from 2009-2010. The Tea Party came up around the time of the last recession when Obama and Dems were sitting around twiddling their thumbs and doing nothing about it. This time around it's going to be so much worse. Biden and his staff have been making it clear since the DNC convention that their plans are just to wage naked class war. The next far right reactionary movement will be far more fascistic than anything Trump has done, and they're going to be a force to be reckoned with when they sweep midterms in 2022 and people start looking towards them for answers since the Dems have none.
Don’t forget that 2008 and the failure of Obama also spawned occupy. There will be a leftwing reaction as well as a rightwing one. We need to actually be coherent and organized this time, with clear demands and action plans
There will be a leftwing reaction as well as a rightwing one.
One could argue that the rightwing reaction was as much towards Occupy as Obama. Obama was, after all, a shameless corporate Democrat who bent over backwards to make capitalists happy. But Occupy... that was the kind of movement that can get out of control very quickly.
I'd argue the Tea Party was initially as much a response to Occupy as to Black President Man, at least from the FOX News Corporate Sponsorship angle. Presenting a large activist right-populist base to check the burgeoning left-populist base was necessary to kettle the leftist movement and to scare the Democratic Party away from left-populism as an electoral strategy.
I’d argue the Tea Party was initially as much a response to Occupy as to Black President Man, at least from the FOX News Corporate Sponsorship angle. Presenting a large activist right-populist base to check the burgeoning left-populist base was necessary to kettle the leftist movement and to scare the Democratic Party away from left-populism as an electoral strategy.
There was no populist left movement during the Obama years that became a major force. You had Occupy, but the Dems refused to embrace that movement whatsoever and scoffed at them every chance they had. Black Lives Matter started in 2014-2015 and libs hated them as much back then as they do now.
The biggest difference between the Dems and Republicans is that the GOP actually understands power and how to use it. They saw the Tea Party as a golden opportunity to not only push further right, but to take over state elections and build their base up, and they did. Dems don't give a fuck about anything except their precious blue states and big cities. That's evident when you live in a deep southern red state like I do and see them do no campaigning whatsoever outside of big cities. They don't even run house district candidates in many of these states outside the big cities.
If there is another left populist movement, you can 100% guarantee Dems aren't going to embrace it. The GOP will be embracing the next far right reactionary movement, cause they know it will be their golden ticket back to power. The Dems nominated Joe fucking Biden over a populist SocDem. They did that as a huge middle finger at us and flat out telling us if push comes to shove, they much rather move to the right and become the 2000s era Republican party than ever support left based ideals.
The difference is that Dems did not embrace Occupy Wall Street whatsoever. They scoffed at those people. Libs cheered them getting pepper sprayed and Obama had his own plans with putting snipers on roofs.
Dems will never embrace a left movement. Historically, that party has always had to be dragged, kicking and screaming the entire time. The whole point of nominating Biden is a giant fuck you towards us. They are basically telling us how much they despise us.
As long as the stock market is fine, they do not care and will not do anything. That's the only metric that matters to them. If 90% of the population was living Mad Max but the 1%'s stocks were doing decent, it wouldn't matter. They're going to "optimize" the economy to find that sweet spot between their stocks hurting and general human suffering.
Racial tensions : heightened
Contradictions : unsolved
Class conflict : restarted
Yup, it's gamer time.
Its perception by the average joe ended in the US after the two Red Scares.
Socialist economists have been pointing out for decades that structural unemployment and poverty was an order of magnitude higher than official numbers
Who are you refering to specifically? I don't know many socialist ecconomists accept for Michael Hudson and Anwar Shaikh.
But then those foolish libs rolled it back.
The bourgeoise yearn for their own destruction. They have a death drive.
Yeah, presuming we want school to be 6-18, it would actually be good if the numbers of unemployed 16-18 y.o. are high? Actually I wonder how it works re people at uni too. 10% of a population not working because they're in some form of education is different than 10% of a population not working because they can't find a job right
Part-time jobs are still "employment" they include it due to the metric being "people who can work," generally.
Which is, of course, good news for the stock market as it shows how desperate workers will be to accept any conditions of employment offered...
Lowered spending and demand will hurt them, they are starving themselves - it just hasn’t clicked yet
A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living wage — but who can't find one — is unemployed.
Americans don't believe in a living wage. They believe in living on credit until the credit is exhausted and then going into default until debt collectors come after them. Then they believe in repenting, finding Jesus, and starting the cycle over again (or becoming homeless and dying).
You can flaunt this number in all your doomer glory, but you're not going to sell it until your audience actually sees unemployed people on the scale of 1 in 4 Americans. These statistics lack credibility absent some visual confirmation. Until legions of unemployed residents start marching through the streets, or homelessness gets significantly worse, this isn't going to register with anyone who hasn't already been left-pilled.
It will register with the 1 in 4 Americans. They're really all we need.
It will register with the 1 in 4 Americans.
It won't. They'll blame themselves. Blaming yourself is the American way.
Why 16 and not 18? Aren't the majority of 16-18 y.o. in the US in school?