• MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    4 years ago

    There's truth to the fact that there re education camps, but theres no genocide going on. Uighyurs in china are specifically exempt from the one child policy to boost population growth and integration.

    Also, the numbers are wildly inflated. Zenz (the guy who said it's his god given mission to destroy china) puts the number at 1.5 million, based on a study by Human Rights Defenders China (a US/Hong Kong backed group) where they asked 8 people to estimate what percentage of uighyurs in their town have been sent to camps. The people estimated 10 percent on their own towns. The media extrapolated the stat to the whole Xinjiang region, meaning it's 1.1 million. The number just randomly goes up sometimes.

    • Yun [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Uighyurs in china are specifically exempt from the one child policy to boost population growth and integration.

      Uyghurs and ethnic minorities were exempt from the one child policy but now I believe it's the 2 child policy which applies to everyone.


      His estimate was completely separate from the CHRD one. He initially based his estimate of "just over a million" (https://jamestown.org/program/evidence-for-chinas-political-re-education-campaign-in-xinjiang/) off of a Newsweek Japan report (https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2018/03/89-3_1.php) that cites a report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey that pushes for separatism.

      Later on, he would bump the number up to 1.5 million (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-xinjiang-rights/15-million-muslims-could-be-detained-in-chinas-xinjiang-academic-idUSKCN1QU2MQ) and then 1.8 million (https://www.rfa.org/english/news/uyghur/detainees-11232019223242.html)

      • hotcouchguy [he/him]
        4 years ago

        TBF if they really are victims of communism then you have to count them using the same methodology as the black book.

        • Yun [he/him]
          4 years ago


          Can't find a more detailed source that makes it more clear about whether or not affirmative action still applies though.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's not even a cultural genocide. Part of the education is to maintain the culture, specifically language, dance, and history. The only part they're trying to get rid of is the recent development of violent extremism and turkik nationalism that serves states like Saudi Arabia (and the US).

          • Yun [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell and retired Army Colonel, Lawrence B. Wilkerson, on Afghanistan and Xinjiang:


            The third reason we're there is because there are 20 million Uyghurs, and they don't like Han Chinese, in Xinjiang province in western China and if the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uyghurs - as Erdogan has done in Turkey against Assad - there are 20000 of them […] in Syria right now for example. That's why the Chinese might be deploying military forces to Syria in the very near future to take care of those Uyghurs that Erdogan invited in. Well the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it. To form an unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese in Beijing from internal places rather than external.

            at 22:21

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Especially since the "West" has been fighting against the recognition of cultural genocide for decades because literally every white settler colonial nation is guilty of it.

    • gammison [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      If people want a good left perspective on the issue, check out chaung's work. They are an independent communist journal focused on China Studies. Here's one piece they did with an author who conducted extensive interviews in Xjinjiang.

      There's also the made in china journal.

      These journals are gonna be the most fair sources imo compared to mainstream and any state funded news.

        • gammison [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          For a translated document and a single anonymous interview, and a brief note about possibly 1 million people in the camps (that one is the most questionable). This is out of 47 notes. It sucks, but in no way forms a core part of the argument.