Oh there's only like 200 whales left, might as well finish them off - icelandic gov.
Minke has a minimum population estimate of 17000, so you are a bit off there. https://media.fisheries.noaa.gov/2022-08/Com%20Minke%20Whale-Can%20E%20Coast%20Stock_SAR%202021.pdf
Good job their industry doesn't kill 217 per year guaranteeing its pathway to extinction then!
Come on, it was fucking obvious the prior user was doing hyperbole why did you feel the need to do a smarmy correction? Extremely reddit behaviour.
Yes? It's a rhetorical technique, you don't need to correct something everyone already knows is an exaggeration for effect. It's socially inept comic book guy behaviour that is ridiculed in so many different ways.
ShowShowYou don't need to correct something everyone already knows is an exaggeration (and I agree it doesn't seem very socially aware to do so) but this is a political discussion on the internet, so
- Everyone does not know the original figure is an exaggeration, especially by how much
- Providing the actual information ads value to the conversation and in this context this is more important than whether the commenter comes off as smarmy or socially inept
What if they said "Hey I know you're being hyperbolic, but for anyone who's interested, here's the number estimated by experts..."?
The only difference here is tone.
I'm not sure why they only shared numbers for minke whales, as these don't seem to be hunted anymore in Iceland in contrast to fin whales, whom the article was about.
Global fin whale population was estimated in 2018 by IUCN to have been around 100000.
https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/2478/50349982#populationFuck me I am not reading that. Stop writing so much over a fucking exaggerated joke. Fuck off comic book guy. Please touch grass, smoke a joint, have sex, or just get some social relationships or something. Anything.
Outside of this Internet Melee, I've (WELL ACTUALLY) been struggling with this same dilemma with my youngest kid. We're both autistic so this is an extremely fun topic!
Where do we draw line between doing a bit, sincerity, and just lying for fun?
Caveat: We've both been awake for two whole days right now. (Thanks, heritable sleep disorders!)
I don't remember what question I wanted to ask here, or how it related to this discussion. I'm just stream of consciousness typing words while I attempt to explain to another kid why Zack Snyder's Watchmen is worth watching, with the explicit understanding that 0.00% of the characters are good people, let alone HEROES.
Anyway, America sucks and Palestine deserves freedom. Okay Google, press the REPLY button.
Well the prior user was implying that the purpose of whaling is to hunt them to extinction, which is a pretty strange policy to have for any nation. Is that actually Icelands purpose in the whale hunting, to make them extinct?
It's mostly to sell to the Japanese market iirc. Not many in Iceland actually have a taste for whale. Huge waste of time and resources.
I've seen like a handful of places selling it in Iceland, and they're all full of tourists who have it just to say they've had it.
It's not great meat by all accounts.
On the plus side everyone will shut the fuck up about claims that Chinese research ships are all disguised whaling vessels.
They never really stopped bitching about Japan until China's economy blew up. It'll be all about China until some other country joins the 10+ trillion GDP club.
Its not just economics, there's also a racism component. Even though the Japanese and South Koreans are treated by white westerners as "the good Asians", they're still kept out of the white westerner club by forms of cultural othering that can be hidden and deployed when convenient. Japanese food is amazing high cuisine (except they're barbarians that eat whales). Korean pop music is great (except they're all tricking us with their plastic surgery). Etc, etc.
China's main crime as far as this dynamic goes is exceeding the West economically while having so much cultural confidence that it can simply not give a fuck how the West judges it.
That seems like the kinda rhetoric that'd get you strung up as a capitalist pig by your hexbear compatriots.
it seems that way because you don't know anything about us. you'd think that would be obvious but here we are
I propose we give James Cameron total authority over the US 6th Fleet with carte blanche to resolve this.
Can we also have fricken sharks with fricken laser beams attached to their fricken heads?
It isn't really profitable. The meat isn't really in demand and they harvest far fewer than the limit that's set by the government. This interview with a wailer from freakenomics was interesting and touched on a lot of these issues.
I'm currently reading Moby Dick and that book goes over the entire process of harvesting a whale. Even then they started it wasn't necessarily profitable but the versatility of the whale s resources were went they are harvested. I also heard the meat sucks.
no it was very profitable parts of the whale were worth their weight in gold and the oil was worth a lot as well
as a sort of expert on commercial fishing/fisheries management and economics, absolutely not especially to the degree where it is worth the backlash this is getting. This strikes me as an incredibly dumb decision from a pr standpoint at the very least, and it's the sort of thing that could lead to ramifications for the actually important parts of the Icelandic seafood industry if any countries decide to restrict seafood imports over the whaling (which has happened before in other circumstances)
I could be wrong, but I thought the only reason Japanese whaling wasn't profitable is that it's for "research" so it can't be for profit, and also all the physical harassment from "eco terrorist" groups.
Sanction them. I love Iceland but the way I see it, sanction them and tell them to knock it off. Capitalism sucks but use whatever few means we have in that system to at least right some wrongs.
I've only heard about perfumes that once contained whale juices? ...What do these whales produce in terms of raw and or commercial material. or is it for sport these days? not that any of it is okay.
Yes this they used to use wheel spinal fluid as a base for perfumes. Because of course they did.
I think that practise was banned years ago mostly because it isn't remotely sustainable.
Iceland has this weird thing about wailing. You see all these whaling ships right alongside whale tour boats. It's like they sort of get it but can't quite get over the culture of whale hunting.
Which in fairness is part of their culture but they have a Costco there now as well so...
Are you seriously comparing the responsible hunting of a sustainable number of minke whales to the deliberate genocide of an indigenous population?
I'll have to comfort eat to deal with the sadness. Where are the whale burgers?
I don't think you know what "culture" means. It's not just stuff that people did in the past, it's what traditions are based around.
How do you think Iceland traditionally got food? They're not exactly surrounded by arable land are they?
"It's tradition, that makes it okay! Hip hip hooray it's Weasel Stomping Day!"
Except can you really say "genociding native americans" and "slavery" are a part of American culture? Is it "customary" of Americans to kill native americans and slavery can be an American trait?
Yes, it was explicitly part of American culture, and is written into our very foundational documents.
If you include the period before we split from England we spent centuries taking land that didn't belong to us and building our economy at least partly on slavery. If you look at the South in that time frame slavery permeated their culture. It is as fair to say that slavery was if anything much more deeply embedded in Southern culture than whaling in Iceland.
Except can you really say “genociding native americans”
As a country, the US has spent more of its existence genociding native Americans than allowing women to vote, or having a standing army.
and “slavery” are a part of American culture?
The US currently has fully legalized privatized slavery. You, specifically you, can own a slave in the US right now. You can even treat them as if the constitution does not apply to them in any way. Simply buy a prisoner and get a judge to commit that prisoner to you for the length of their sentence. It's so ingrained in our culture, we've never stopped the practice.
that word is doing a hell of a job of heavy lifting
Meat. Whale is tasty. Yum yum yummy in my tum tum tummy. Not even joking. People like whale. It's a very versatile and lean meat which is very high in omega 3, iron and protein.... And mercury but never mind that. Just try it next time you're in a country that hunts them.
Unless you are a full vegan, you have no business condemning responsible whaling.
Who cares if the whales die horribly and the species goes extinct, right? Oh yeah, new "regulations" make it "good" to do the same shit somehow, so no problem.
Saw a doc about this that said they could only eat a couple of grams/week because of mercury. What a tragedy.
It would be cool to give whales guns and just see what happens.
Like the ocean version of when you give a monkey a gun.
Know why they're called right whales? It's because they're the right ones to hunt.
If I am a Nazi, then every average person in the US and the whole of Europe is.
then we'll roll over every single one of people like you, and not lose a single minute of sleep over it
mutilated? Transphobic too.
Im trans myself, you got something to say? You seem to think about us a lot, do you have a crush?
And also how am I mutilating myself, like really? How does this logic work, walk me through my own mind mister one testicle.
(and yes, my values are just being comically evil, get a grip girl)
Your whole woke thing is over. Trump will take 2024 and then normalcy will return.
Oh wow, you mean the ICE camps will open back up? Oh wait, Biden never closed them. What exactly are you threatening us with? Replacing one senile racist with another?
If I am a Nazi, then every average person in the US and the whole of Europe is.
now fuck off and perish.