It's trendy these days to be anti colonialism, but as soon as you mention ireland all the support fizzles out. Fucks up with that? Most young people hate tories, hate british empire, etc etc, but then you say IRA and everyone gets scared. It's not even like my generation has an emotional attachment to it either - it's before our time

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I would just say Republic of England. Easy enough to turn English self determination into proletarian-nationalism. The energy is there it just requires the right conditions. I'm not nearly as pessimistic about the English as others here, they're rough around the edges and they're a mess of colonial mindsets but a conversation with the average English working class that supports Brexit doesn't reveal a complete monster. It mostly reveals someone that's rather ignorant about a lot of social issues, gets misled by the right wing on those issues but honestly has a "I don't care what anyone does to be honest as long as it doesn't affect me" attitude and really isn't loyal to reactionary mindsets. They aren't people that will go to war over anything.

    The only thing I truly think is necessary to detach those people from the right wing is to properly attach the wealthy and the right wing mediasphere that is mis-directing them into reactionary thought on issues.

    Yes we've got our tommy robinson types but they're not a large crowd and the people that supported Brexit aren't loyal followers of unhinged right wing beliefs. I'd say there's only a 2-5% crowd of true believers, the rest or misguided and simply rough proletarians that can be realigned if we cut the umbilical cord feeding them shit. They don't even really believe what they're being fed by the right wing machine, they just have a defensive wall up because they've heard that trans people are dangerous weirdos or that immigrants want their jobs or whatever. They actually don't give a fuck what trans people or anything else do as long as they're left alone -- it's entirely the fact that the right wing is feeding them stuff that they even have any concerns about it, and their only concern is "stay out of my life". I believe they're all, deep down, "I just want to grill" types who have a constant trickle of shite scaring them.