that's the post. abolish nato

  • Eldungeon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Remember when the HDP won a shit load of votes and the AKP basically outlawed them.? Turkey is wild.

      • vorenza [any]
        4 years ago

        Eh, they deserved to win. First war dislocated around 600 thousand Azerbaijanis, not to mention the fact that it is their territory.

        They'll create a corridor from Artsakh to Armenia, and Nakchivan to Azerbaijan. Conditions are not that good for Armenia, but it's still something.

        Armenians are already blaming their leaders of being crypto-turks(yikes) and trying to take down the government for signing the peace deal.

        • TelestialBeing [he/him]
          4 years ago

          If it was just about letting the refugees return home, they would have accepted the Minsk Group's proposal years ago. This was 100% about revenge and killing. They would have gladly expelled all Armenians from NK if they could have.

          • vorenza [any]
            4 years ago

            Of course it isn't all about letting the refugess return home, but again, it is their territory. Plus Armenia took over way more land than just where Armenians lived. This is 94 war happening in the other way, but with way less civilian casualties.

            • SimMs [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              are you seriously putting forth the argument that territorial legitimacy in post-soviet areas exist? No, all of this is legitimate soviet territory. All that came after it is subject to arbitration. georgia has no right to abkhazia, ukraine has no right to crimea, moldovia has no right to transnistria, azeribaijan has no right to karabakh. 1991 was a ground zero where no rules apply.

    • Prinz1989 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The fall of the USSR was a bad thing dude. These "countries" same as the balkans should never have tried the whole nation state idea. I wonder if the same will happen in eastern europe.