Welcome all comrades! This topic has been on my mind for a very long time and I wanted to see your opinions on it.

Sex work in the form of "Onlyfans" has exponentially grown into an incredibly huge market during the past year or so, which in my opinion should create an interesting discussion for us leftists. I think and I hope that we all strive for complete liberation and equal rights for women all over the world. A part of that liberation is the recognition of womens' sexual rights and in turn the normalization of the idea of sex for women, just like men have had it for ages. The recent Onlyfans growth in some ways does bring a sense of added sexual liberation for women, but in my opinion it also represents a dark undertone of the immediate failure of our economic system and our society in general.

Understanding the background of the recent growth isn't that difficult, as I see it as a continuation and an evolution of Internet "porn" culture that is mainly dominated by lonely men on the Internet. On the other hand, the implications and consequences of the Onlyfans phenomenon are horrible and frankly disgusting. I need to be clear here, the women that are selling nudes or whatever are almost always innocent, as they're forced into this position due to the failures of our economic system. However, both the commodification of intimacy and the existence of such large numbers of frustrated horny dudes that drive this market is genuinely concerning.

This conversation is very difficult to approach in my opinion, as it's simple to fall into the trap of accidentally blaming the young women (and men) who are themselves the product. The biggest direct blame should maybe be pointed at the large corporations who are profiting off the dire material conditions of sex workers and the absolute societal failure that is causing the existence of all horny Internet people. Not to mention the whole exploitation aspect of under 18 kids being groomed into this type of sex work by pedos. I'm just rambling at this point, but I'm really struggling with articulating exactly why this rubs me off the wrong way. I'm also interested if any of you comrades can help with explaining exactly how Capitalism is facilitating all of this.