• happybadger [he/him]
    4 years ago

    If I put my dog in a solid metal box, he will not last ten minutes. If I put him in a cage with holes, he will last indefinitely. My brain is actually so large that when I have a thought it herniates out of my nose like soft-serve ice cream.

  • invent_the_future [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    "These gentlemen think that when they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves. This is how these profound thinkers mock at the whole world."

  • TossedAccount [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The Dem die-hards who won't fall off and radicalize leftward during Biden/Harris are going to fully internalize the "kids in cages" as an acceptable reality/"necessary evil" of US imperialism by 2024 like they did with the drone strikes and the torture by 2012. They'll memory hole the fact that the ICE/CBP camps and arrests/kidnappings in unmarked vans were the justification for fearmongering DSA-adjacent progressives and succdems into voting Biden to "stop fascism" in the first place. Calling it now.

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Keep in mind that there will also be Dems who radicalize outward. Our job is to bring as many as possible left.

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Very true. Not only should socialists be ready with answers for the newly anti-status-quo people who might have the ear of right-"libertarians" and cryptofascists, but we should be trying to re-radicalize and consolidate the people who had originally flirted with some form of "democratic socialism" or social-democratic aspirations through the breadtube pipeline or through the Sanders and DSA entryist campaigns starting around 2017, but have been dragged right back into the Democrats' sphere of influence by virtue of ""socialists"" and even some unironic "anarcho-Bidenists" endorsing the Dems' phony harm-reduction strategy on the false basis of "voting out fascism", and are soon going to be left behind and extremely disoriented when Biden and Harris quietly continue most of the reactionary "fascist" (read: neoliberal) policies that started under (Bush, Obama and) Trump, and the Dems accelerate their attempts to shut down and co-opt the BLM movement.

        Seeing the libs shatter their "coalition" and return to brunch while all the current problems continue getting worse is going to drive even more of the lesser-evil hostage voters nuts, and on the margins at least a few otherwise-radical workers and lumpen are going to snap and say "fuck it, maybe Qanon had a point about the Democrats and the deep state" if they don't see any effective socialist leadership calling out the same bullshit from a non-opportunist, non-revisionist Marxist perspective. This is how Obama's betrayals paved the way for the Tea Party in 2010, and the same process will pave the way for Qanon in 2022.

        During this period of confusion, what Marxist orgs do exist are going to have to continue organizing like hell to keep their uncompromised banners raised, continue coalition building with other independent socialist organizations and the best elements of other "progressive" organizations, and continue aggressively putting forth appropriate transitional, scientific, and revolutionary demands that resonate with workers who are fucking tired of everything related to the status quo.

  • Waldoz53 [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    oh this is the guy that said that drone striking people isn't bad (as a defense of obama)

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Poe's law. Some twitter blue-check libs are actually this ghoulish and the hangers-on to the Democratic Party after another four years of contradictions (excepting the lesser-evil voters who will defect to a left-wing party the first chance they think that party might actually beat both parties, obviously) are going to be using more of these sorts of arguments to soothe their cognitive dissonance.

  • Caocao [he/him]
    4 years ago

    uh huh and are they allowed to leave?

    please tell me this is a bit

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      On paper, some liberals might tell you, the incarcerated immigrants are supposed to be "allowed" to leave if they turn back the way they came (or let the US deport them to their country of origin), but almost no one's fucking doing that after they get separated from their loved ones and their country of origin is not only absolutely not worth going back to, but often multiple border crossings away by the time they reach the US. Mexico often restricts migration across the Honduran border just as harshly as the US polices border crossings from Mexico.

      In practice, of course they're usually not actually allowed to leave. How else is the US supposed to "deter" migration than through absurd gratuitous Kafka-esque acts of cruelty indistinguishable from ethnic cleansing? Actually allow socialists and succdems like Evo, Lula, and Maduro to win and keep their democratic mandates to make their homelands even halfway worth living in?