I'm slightly confused on what is going on in this image, are they larping?
This is actually a picture of Red Guards in Kansas City who were in the process of interrupting a DSA meeting and literally beating up a disabled 75 year old man.
Here's a link to their pretty hilarious article trying to justify the event: https://incendiarynews.com/2019/10/18/kansas-city-anti-revisionist-confrontation-of-dsa-event-ends-in-bloodshed/
The way these dudes type is absolutely hilarious. The most bloated, grandiloquent statements to cover up that the picture shows their maximum turnout of dumpy teens.
Also pretty sure that this is the same group that meekly turned their guns over to the cops, in public, in what was supposed to be their big 'armed march'.
Remember kids, sometimes when your cringe detector sounds, you need to listen to it.
Who’s telling you reactionary lies and feeding you counter-revolutionary bullshit? Why are you trying to paint radical leftists as cops with no evidence?
The Red Guards run confirmed feds out of leftist orgs, why do you think you’re being told to fight them? Think harder about this. Who do you think the radicals are...?
Okay, I see you’ve been memedamaged. Good luck with that revolution.
The Red Guards wouldn’t give them the real red bandanas so they had to make do, yes
Communism will be achieved once we attack every random 12-person DSA meeting in the US. Pretty sure that's what Mao wrote about.
When you run into all the other people cosplaying Hooded Justice at your local convention
iirc, there were nearly 100 people in the shork server though
Being in a server does not mean that everyone in that server agrees on something. The shork server was not started as an anti-chapo.chat server. Just the powerposters were concerned to the point of wrecking, as we are seeing from the low energy raids.
I said nothing other than that there were/are a certain amount of people there. I'm making no claims as to the views of the people.