For example I was the right age to get indoctrinated by pragerU, JBP, and the SJW cringe compilations, I live in a super conservative area, I did boy scouts until I was 18, my hobbies include fishing, shooting, cars (cringe but vroom makes seratonin), and camping, like wtf
Oh man, that does sound lame. And I know, because Gamergate was one of the first things that made me political, too, and I cannot think of a lamer indoctrination into leftism than mine. Like, I was legitimately pulled from the anti-SJW rabbit hole by John Oliver and Bill fucking Maher 🤢
I was initially on the wrong side of GG because I liked to hang out on the cringe anarchy/ tumblrinaction side of reddit, and a bunch of familiar faces from my edgy athiest teen days had decided to make it their Alamo. And somehow there was an overlap with Maher stuff, because he epically destroys SJW's with facts and logic sometimes. And then I started getting recommended John Oliver's Trump videos, then my friend got me into Contrapoints, and now here I am posting with y'all.
(I mean, there was some political shit that went down at my university, and I also had a need to figure out how to be a robotics researcher in an ethical way and that lead me to reading a fuckload about labour, but anyway)
But most embarrassingly, I was unironically a friend of the pod 😱