add one to the count for each tooth since they will all rot and fall out due to communism
lmao he shared this dm which makes it seem like the government is torturing children into brushing their teeth
What if they teach them how to floss too. Are they gonna kill gingivitis too? I always knew dentists were evil villains, it's communist indoctrination!
Capitalism is when your teeth look like forest of clear cut tree stumps.
It really is. Health insurance treats them like luxury bones you don't really need. I find it fascinating how you can tell a lot about the economic backround of a person based on the way their teeth look.
Being able to chew food is a luxury under capitalism. Eat your nutrient paste and move along.
B-but Sir! I understand! It's just that teeth infections can get in my bloodstream and kill me. I could die and I don't want that :(
real talk no one ever told me flossing was required when i was growing up and now i got way too many teeth problems :angery:
Nobody told me how important teeth were for your health. I found out about it through dentist youtubers like 👁️👄👁️
It is. There is plaque trapped between your gums and teeth that never gets removed. The point of flossing is to remove that. If you look up tutorials you will see where the floss goes (it gets a little inside your gum and hugs your teeth).
Imagine never brushing the back of your teeth, that's gonna smell bad and get infected. If you avoid doing it because it smells bad and you bleed then that's a sign you have to start doing it. Seriously, the floss is not supposed to smell bad and shouldn't get blood on it.
All I'm saying is that interproximal cavities are fucking gay and you should avoid them while you still can.
It's not. You might be doing it wrong. Dental hygiene is not magic, you have to be taught how to properly do it and then be consistent for the rest of your life.
apparently studies have found flossing doesnt actually help tho thats what ive been told but idk lol
when mom tells me to brush my teeth and clean my room its actually colonialism 😤
牙腔 Cavity 牙齿健康不良 Poor Dental Health 蛀牙 Tooth Decay 牙龈炎 Gingivitis 口臭 Bad Breath
I will not brush my teeth 30 minutes after meals! I will not floss once a day! I won't, mom and dad! I won't! Muh culture!
yes! i have documented 10 times where gamers in uyghur, china have been forced to quit without saving. sick stuff!
lol he doubled down on it too, very weird guy, i think he just doesnt like to brush his teeth
Can't wait for them to refer to China eliminating poverty as China "doing an ethnocide"
People like to romanticize certain forms of poverty. Ive seen how the poorest rural communities live in Romania. The communists never managed to fully address rural poverty and people still live in dirt shacks in some places, but they undertook this as an effort because no one wants to choose to live in deplorable conditions like that. Theres certainly something to be said about how you approach addressing alleviating these communities out of that poverty, but some people will really think the state doing this is a form of cultural genocide and its wild how out of touch they can be with reality.
8 year old me is feeling pretty vindicated by this, after heroically resisting colonization by throwing a temper tantrum at the dentist. You're welcome for my service.
The handful of comments trying to defend this are really reaching, for example:
If those kids’ parents are at home, then the “teacher” doesn’t have to visit their house to teach them. No matter how poor and low-educated a village is, never will a teacher be sent to teach kids to brush teeth. I’m talking about a normal Han race village.
I remember how, as a kid, the dentist would have to reiterate to me how to brush my teeth, despite my parents having already taught me, because kids are dumb and sometimes it takes more than one try (and person) to get things through their heads.
I'm glad my mind has been opened up to the fact I was experiencing colonialism.
Growing up, Colgate used to run these ads (Propaganda?!1?!) with a song that said when you should brush your teeth with Colgate. It stuck to me, I sing the fucking song almost everytime I have to brush my teeth. Am I a victim of brainwashing?
this strengthens my belief that all "China watchers" are little kids
They're forcing fluoride on them to turn all the frigging kids gay. Classic communist strategy.