Hi, I'm budoguytenkaichi, and I'm fat.

And I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one here either.

On here, and much of the left, there's a prevalent attitude of encouraging "the swoletariat" or how "a fascist worked out today, did you?".

These things are not necessarily bad or negative on their own, but it should be remembered that people are deserving of respect and dignity whether they choose to get in shape or not.

I say that cuz, in addition to these views, I've also seen plenty of fat shaming and weight-based insults, especially aimed at chuds/libs we don't like, so that makes it "okay".

It doesn't, it really doesn't.

Remember that when you insult someone's weight, and infer that they're a "disgusting, worthless slob" or what have you, odds are there are non-thin comrades seeing that too and wondering "Would they think of me that way too?".

Us being overweight/fat doesn't make us worth less as human beings, whether we're being compared to those of average weight, or those with the physiques of Olympians.

I'll always remember how someone on the old subreddit basically told me that non-thin comrades should be excluded from all public materials/propaganda/etc. and hidden away, because apparently we'd "hurt" the cause just by existing and being acknowledged.

Fuck that.

Don't push away your overweight/fat comrades people, we want a better future just as much as you do.

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    I agree. Even when dunking on those who deserve dunking, attacks on weight and looks should be discouraged.

    However, I really appreciate the posts encouraging exercise and better eating habits because that’s just good for everybody who’s able. I’m about 30 lbs overweight with hardly any muscle mass and I appreciate the reminder that I need to change my lifestyle, when I’m able to (stupid depression).

    One thing that’s on my mind from time to time is making fun of pol fash for their weak chins and small wrists. Most of the time it’s a really funny insult because of how fucking mad it makes 4ch*n posters. But sometimes it sucks because I have a weak chin and small wrists too, lmao. I have a beard and am self-aware, so it generally doesn’t bother me. But sometimes on a particularly bad mental health day, seeing it casually dropped in the comments stings a little.

    • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      I know it's a hard time to connect with people, but to help me with my depression and physical health goals I had to reach out to someone to keep me accountable for daily walks. It's done wonders for both my physical and mental health. Depression is a fuck, and on the bad days my accoubtabilibuddy reminding me of our walk is the only thing that gets me out of bed.

      But that's the key, right? Usually once I'm up, I'm glad for it. Once the walk starts, I no longer dread it. By the time I'm done, it's not a bad day anymore. I suffered for months before getting help - I hope you're not trying to tackle it alone either. Regardless, get well soon comrade.