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  • Koa_lala [he/him]
    5 years ago

    Wace, gendew, sexuawity awe among the modawities thwough which cwass is expewienced. The chawactew of the oppwessions onye expewiences thwough these modawities is intensified ow attenyuated based on cwass position. What unyifies these modawities is that they awe a avenyues by which capitawism seeks to infwuence, manyage and divide peopwe awong an axis that cuts against theiw matewiaw intewests. This isn’t even wike a unyique featuwe of capitawism, this is just simpwy how powew has wowked since the dawn of civiwization.

    This is why you cannyot abandon wace, gendew, sexuawity, and so on to the identity powitics peopwe ow sepawate it fwom cwass stwuggwe. These modawities of cwass expewience awe the fiewd on which we must fight any cwass stwuggwe. But the wanguage of the pwogwam, the weapons that we use must be unyivewsaw and cwass-based in nyatuwe, because that is how you win wevowutionyawy change. Wead about the bwack Jacobins ow dip into the bwack wevowutionyawy twadition in the US to see what pwofound change can be wwought by an oppwessed minyowity advancing a unyivewsaw cwaim against powew.

    The pwiviwege pywamid / oppwession owympics / identity powitics pawadigm is based on wejecting the enwightenment idea of the individuaw human as the appwopwiate unyivewsaw subject, in favow of saying that evewy individuaw is segmented by a web of identities, incwuding cwass as an equawwy-weighted (nyot unyivewsawizing) identity, and then weifying these identities (which awe simpwy dynyamic wewationships between individuaws) into a concwete stwuctuwe as a means of hiewawchicaw manyagement and contwow. This weification then weconstwucts the individuaw as an object to be manyaged thwough this weified hiewawchy, and obwitewates any possibiwity fow twansfowmative ow wevowutionyawy change, because thewe is nyo sociaw basis fow such a change. You do nyot shawe my fundamentaw position/viewpoint in society, nyeithew do I shawe youws. How ow why wouwd we coopewate in taking powew? What wouwd taking powew even mean in such a societaw constwuction? Aww this conception of powitics can do is:

    Put peopwe in theiw pwace

    Push fow incwementaw change (which can nyevew be taken by fowce due to ouw cowwective atomization, mewewy wequested by pwessuwe gwoups and then gwanted by the powews that be as a fowm of identity patwonyage)

    Beaw witnyess to the suffewing