Permanently Deleted

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    5 years ago

    I mean, poor white people still have privilege. It's not the oppression olympics or anything but shit

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      5 years ago
      1. Poor white people have privilege; OP hasn't thought through the concept all that well.
      2. Privilege does not mean "better off in every way;" it means you automatically get some benefit that's not afforded to other people.
      3. Telling someone "check your privilege" is obnoxious as fuck and is about the worst way to have these conversations.
      • Papanurgel [none/use name]
        5 years ago

        The thing is I have thought about it. And I understand very well my position in America. When I'm out with my group of friends that is almost always mixed I make sure to engage with the police when they harrras us. I've studied on the topic and know that I'll never actually understand what it's like to be black/brown in America. I know what the system is and know how to operate with in it and understand that I have that "privilege" It's more that my friend has always had a huge chip on his shoulder about the white man. And took a discussion we where having and turned it into a fight so he could own me and grand stand like a fucking lib.

        • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
          5 years ago

          oh well then he's kind of a dick. maybe you shouldn't keep stressing yourself out by talking to them? It sounds like they just enjoy winding you up.

      • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
        5 years ago

        Privilege does not mean “better off in every way;” it means you automatically get some benefit that’s not afforded to other people.

        This :100-com:%

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        5 years ago

        The privilege of being shot second, rather than first

        Big news for all those white mass shooters who get taken alive

  • SuperRed [none/use name]
    5 years ago

    Tell him to check his upper class privilege. The privilege of the rich far surpasses any racial privileges. The rich no matter what race have no idea what life is like for the common person in general. Be very mindful when talking to him about politics, this fuck will rat you to police if another red scare happens.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Precisely this. If wealth weren't a means of isolating yourself from the common ills of poor society then it wouldn't be worth accumulating. As a natural byproduct of that isolation, privilege manifests itself within those who have means.

  • MorelaakIsBack [comrade/them]
    5 years ago

    Tell him he's a dumbass social climbing lib that doesn't fucking get it and probably never will, and then cease all communication

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    5 years ago

    Can't say without context. White privilege is a thing that exists regardless of other factors like wealth. It also doesn't mean that you have an easy life or that your perspective is invalid or something. Literally every person benefits from some kind of privilege. The concept of privilege should be used as a reminder that our perspectives are influenced by who we are and what we have and haven't experienced, and that's that. Unfortunately, in practice it can also be used to shut people down just based on who they are, which is dumb, or to play the "oppression olympics," which is even dumber.

    If the context was like, "Is it possible that the reason you don't think representation in media matters that much is because you've never known what it's like to not have it, and you need to check your privilege?" then hey, could be he has a point, might be worth considering. If it's more like, "You don't have anything to complain about because you're white," then he's a fucking prick and you should tell him to shove it.

    • Koa_lala [he/him]
      5 years ago

      Wace, gendew, sexuawity awe among the modawities thwough which cwass is expewienced. The chawactew of the oppwessions onye expewiences thwough these modawities is intensified ow attenyuated based on cwass position. What unyifies these modawities is that they awe a avenyues by which capitawism seeks to infwuence, manyage and divide peopwe awong an axis that cuts against theiw matewiaw intewests. This isn’t even wike a unyique featuwe of capitawism, this is just simpwy how powew has wowked since the dawn of civiwization.

      This is why you cannyot abandon wace, gendew, sexuawity, and so on to the identity powitics peopwe ow sepawate it fwom cwass stwuggwe. These modawities of cwass expewience awe the fiewd on which we must fight any cwass stwuggwe. But the wanguage of the pwogwam, the weapons that we use must be unyivewsaw and cwass-based in nyatuwe, because that is how you win wevowutionyawy change. Wead about the bwack Jacobins ow dip into the bwack wevowutionyawy twadition in the US to see what pwofound change can be wwought by an oppwessed minyowity advancing a unyivewsaw cwaim against powew.

      The pwiviwege pywamid / oppwession owympics / identity powitics pawadigm is based on wejecting the enwightenment idea of the individuaw human as the appwopwiate unyivewsaw subject, in favow of saying that evewy individuaw is segmented by a web of identities, incwuding cwass as an equawwy-weighted (nyot unyivewsawizing) identity, and then weifying these identities (which awe simpwy dynyamic wewationships between individuaws) into a concwete stwuctuwe as a means of hiewawchicaw manyagement and contwow. This weification then weconstwucts the individuaw as an object to be manyaged thwough this weified hiewawchy, and obwitewates any possibiwity fow twansfowmative ow wevowutionyawy change, because thewe is nyo sociaw basis fow such a change. You do nyot shawe my fundamentaw position/viewpoint in society, nyeithew do I shawe youws. How ow why wouwd we coopewate in taking powew? What wouwd taking powew even mean in such a societaw constwuction? Aww this conception of powitics can do is:

      Put peopwe in theiw pwace

      Push fow incwementaw change (which can nyevew be taken by fowce due to ouw cowwective atomization, mewewy wequested by pwessuwe gwoups and then gwanted by the powews that be as a fowm of identity patwonyage)

      Beaw witnyess to the suffewing

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      5 years ago

      I'll attenuate your modality, and I hope you know what I mean by that because I sure don't.

    • Parysian [they/them]
      5 years ago

      I've not read much Foucault but this seems like his sort of power analysis. Or I'm just easily wowed by big words.

  • steely_its_a_dildo [any]
    5 years ago

    if i were you, I would take this as a sign that they aren't interested in politics.

  • OptimusPrimeRib [none/use name]
    5 years ago

    That last sentence of your edit triggered a really negative feeling from me. But I don't think this sub is ready for a struggle session of that magnitude.

    Edit: he deleted it but his friend compared his experience to that of black peoples.

    • Papanurgel [none/use name]
      5 years ago

      I don't really want the convo out there as I use this name to shit post else where and this "friend" can be a real jerk at times.

      • OptimusPrimeRib [none/use name]
        5 years ago

        Well people can't offer advice or critique without context. Create a new username and know when to cull people from your life.

  • RedPig [none/use name]
    5 years ago

    Yeah you basically made an ass of yourself telling people to speak English if they want to live in America; "check your privilege" wasn't the right thing for them to say, but something else a little less woke and a little less nice was.

    Edit: OP I get that you feel like the one being punched down on because of the wealth aspect but "speak English if you want to get by here", even when said with reasonably good intentions, is a phrase and an idea that's pretty hate-laced in the history of this place. Being in the wrong here doesn't mean you're awful or unwoke forever or whatever, but like, be nice to people who can't speak the majority language, shit's scary. They're in a weird position and often having trouble with that. Plus if they're rich-ish definitely be friends with them for uhhh material reasons lol.

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      5 years ago

      We cannot discard issues of identity and privilege, lest we end up like r/Stupidpol. We must hold on to it and recognize that there are indeed a variety of intersecting systems of oppression. The solution is not to discard everything aside from class, but to burn motherfuckers at the virtual stake who claim to care about intersectionality while being complicit in the driving forces behind these systems of oppression.