every NPC killed in a video game goes into the black book of communism
The one true leftist on this site, whoever they may be, enjoys absolutely nothing. Enjoying things is the 69420th form of liberalism.
I want a game where you control John Brown in an alternate universe where he won Harper's Ferry...
the specter of communism shot dead by firing squad after I play Kirby epic yarn
I just know about the existance of the capitalism 2 game from jokes like "oh you think capitalism is so good, why isn't there a capitalism 2 then?"
I can imagine lol, it's primary use is being a meme for me
Open Transport Tycoon is very good and highly faithful to the original, if you like that sort of thing. Same goes for Open Roller Coaster Tycoon (surprised this one isn't in the wiki)
OTTD is actually very highly regarded in the tycoon/city builder community. I didn't get into it but its of an extremely high quality
It's mentioned under " game engine recreations", presumably due to the hair-splitting between "open source game" vs "open-source reverse engineered engine of closed-source game"
There's some good ones. Many are clones of classics, but roguelikes as a genre are disproportionately FOSS.
- 0 AD is a pretty cool AoE II-style RTS
- OpenRA is good but multiplayer-focused Red Alert/CnC clone.
- Freeciv is a great Civ2 clone.
- TOME, Dungeon Crawl, and Nethack are top-tier roguelikes
I actually just installed Mindustry because it looks cool. Gonna give it a spin tomorrow.
Pinball is so cool, I would like to think that pinball would have a revival under socialism
me with my 200,000 gold in Skyrim, hoarding it all instead of redistributing my wealth. smh i'm so sorry Marx