The scheming capitalists behind the newest iteration of the illegitimate United States of America have once again reached out to crush the soul of the worker beneath their boots-for-hire. Mechanized infantry units surged across the border into Liberated North America last night with the intention of slaughtering our comrades on the front lines and tearing down the only free society on the continent.

This attempt to re-establish the unchallenged stranglehold capital held the working people of this country in until we rose up and undertook the righteous people’s war will not be tolerated. Already, comrades everywhere have declared their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of ultimate liberation. The bonds among the oppressed, forged by centuries of exploitation and cast anew in the fires of our current struggle, will not be broken so close to the final hour of history.

Courageous revolutionaries in the American Worker’s Army have moved to counter the maneuvers of the bourgeois “defense forces.” Their power as guardians of the people’s will far outmatches the power of those who protect only the pocketbooks of the leeches on Wall Street and in self-imposed exile abroad, whatever blood-bought firepower may be levied at them. This latest attack is merely the strike of a dying animal’s flailing limbs, spasming as it slips into oblivion. It will surely be destroyed with the utmost ease, and the bourgeois state after it.

Proletarian Struggle Continues Worldwide

The capitalists cower in their ivory palaces as righteous indignation courses through the masses of exploited laborers from Quebec to India, expressing itself in great bursts of revolutionary fervor. Calls for bread and freedom have reached their highest pitch in remembered history this month, and with them, the vicious reprisals from bourgeois tools in ministries and parliaments around the globe have risen too.

Comrades in Europe have defied their governments’ panicked attempts to delay the inevitable on the heels of the socialist victory in France, going on strike illegally in the United Kingdom and rioting against the police in Spain, Italy, and Germany. In Russia and Turkey, mass demonstrations of communists and their sympathizers fought brutally with state security forces in the early days of October, many spilling their blood in solidarity with those arrested for speaking the truth over the past weeks. In Canada, socialists fighting for the independence of Quebec have claimed responsibility for the recent killing of that country’s Minister of Finance. In India, a growing number of workers have gone on strike in protest of the proto-fascist Modi regime’s attempts to drive the Communist Parliamentary Front out of the government.

Truly, the age of capitalism is at an end. These latest uprisings are the tolling of the great bell of history exclaiming that a new day has begun, a day of worker power, a day whose sun will rise on a world of proletarian states and set on a world of realized communism, all-encompassing and eternal. It is our most sacred duty as revolutionaries to support the rising voice of our comrades across the globe as we march together towards the final battle of the exploited and the exploiters. Only then can the institutions of old be swept away, new ones run by and for the people erected in their place.

Sutton Declares October 18th American Laborer’s Day

Even as he faces the wrath of the dying capitalist order, Comrade Sutton finds time to honor the noble worker. In a written address submitted to the ALC yesterday, he declared October 18th American Laborer’s Day, and asked them to vote to confirm the holiday. They did so dutifully, and today all workers in Liberated North America enjoy a day’s rest from the stresses of constructing socialism. The new holiday will take the place of the original Labor Day celebrated by Americans in September. A section of the address is quoted below: I find it appropriate that the laboring classes of America be given a day not just to honor the power of workers united in common struggle, as we have on the first of May, but to celebrate our ongoing liberation from the shackles of the abusive capitalist mode of production. It is no longer fitting to observe the traditional American Labor Day as such, for it was not a holiday created by and for the workers, but one offered up by the political elite to appease them with half-measures in a time of labor unrest. As we strip bourgeois culture from our collective consciousness, we must recognize events such as this for what they are: landmarks on the long road from exploitation to liberation, yes, but also reminders of our domination by the moneyed tyrants of old. In order to preserve the former aspect but strike down the latter, I suggest that we take it upon ourselves to create a new holiday, one set aside to take pride in the achievements, past and continuing, of workers in breaking their chains and seizing what is theirs. Tomorrow, October the 18th, should suffice: it is the 372nd anniversary of the founding of the first American labor organization, a league of shoemakers in colonial Boston. This new day of rest, named American Laborer’s Day, will replace the “Labor Day” once celebrated in September, which shall be remembered henceforth for its connection to the Pullman Strike, and that alone. Every free worker in America is encouraged to rest today. It is a time of great turmoil, but even with enemies at our gates, we must celebrate the dignity of the working class. Otherwise, what is there to fight for?

Agrarian Reactionaries Eliminated

Brave comrades in the AWA have foiled a plot by agrarian petty bourgeoisie to undo the work of collectivization in the southern farmlands of Liberated North America. The putsch was led by dispossessed landowners, who, not content to merely work the land as equals and share in the fruits of their community’s labor, wished to return to their pre-revolution status as domineers and petty labor-thieves. Ever-scheming, as all capitalists are, they led around a dozen workers in their collective into betrayal of the revolution by convincing them that the recent harvest’s underperformance was to be blamed on the collectivization policies they so loathed—a preposterous lie predicated on the apparent belief that our comrades in the ALC can control the weather. In two groups, the conspirators violently seized the communal armory, murdering in cold blood the comrades guarding it that night, and a barn where the majority of the collective’s tools and harvested grain was stored. Having stolen the bulk of the community’s arms and ammunition, they encountered only minor armed resistance, which they crushed without remorse. At dawn the next day, a United States flag of unknown origin was hoisted atop a grain silo on the premises of the occupied barn, and representatives of the terrorists drove into town to inform the residents that the collective’s farmland would be divided among those who had participated in the coup, who would hold it as private property. The madness came to an end when the American Worker’s Army was called in to drive out the terrorists. A platoon of revolutionaries laid siege to the occupied buildings and retook them, but not before the landowners destroyed two grain silos out of spite. The surviving conspirators will be imprisoned, and comrade Edward Bunson of the local AWA garrison has assured us at the Red Star that steps are being taken, per orders from higher in the chain of command, to root out reactionary elements in the region and eliminate them.

Christian Radicalism on the Rise

The shadow of religious fundamentalism has fallen across the warlord-states of the Great Plains. The lies of a feudal-minded charlatan by the name of Marcus Winshape have taken hold of a new audience as the coronavirus devours the region, a development Winshape attributes to the “horseman of pestilence” from Christian mythology.

Compelled by Winshape’s delusions of a looming biblical conflict, his devoted base of followers took up arms recently to capture the city of New Town, North Dakota, and the surrounding farmland. Though it will in all likelihood drown in the sea of warlordism it finds itself submerged in, the arrival of this new faction is alarming. The ideas Winshape preaches in his traveling sermons are of the darkest reactionary variety: he believes that the battle of Armageddon is underway, and that as Earth approaches the Rapture the “good Christians” in his flock must cleanse the world of non-believers, “sinners,” and those bearing the “mark of the beast,” nebulous terms which leave the door open for genocide as it has rarely been seen before. Through various theological absurdities, he prescribes spiritual inferiority to women, black and indigenous people, homosexual people, transgender people, and others, often even claiming they lack a human soul. He sees America as a corrupted holy land, a second Canaan which can only be reclaimed by the annihilation of his messiah’s enemies in preparation for his second coming. In short, he is a violent religious zealot and a rabid bigot in nearly every way conceivable.

The mere fact that he has been able to amass a following, however small it may yet be, is proof enough of the need for a cultural upheaval in this country. When Marx described organized religion as the opiate of the masses, he did not go far enough—it is a blight upon society, a dark curse under which humanity has struggled for millennia. Ultra-reactionaries like Winshape are the natural product of such ideas as “divine law” lasting into an age that has progressed well beyond the need for their existence.

  • Sankara [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    The Principled Marxist’s Stance on Bernie Sanders

    The quadrennial farce of American electoral pageantry is upon us. One player on the stage would have you call him a socialist. What is to be done? Two writers discuss the issue here.

    Bernie Sanders is no comrade. He is but a social democrat, that is, a Kautskyite liberal interested only in reforming the capitalist system to stave off its demise. His rhetoric over the course of his campaign makes it overwhelmingly clear that he does not intend to help the working class seize the means of production, merely to make them more comfortable in their current status as slaves. Higher wages, medicare for all, taxing the wealthy… These are not the policies of a socialist. We should not concern ourselves with such petty liberal quibbles when it is our goal to abolish wages, to seize the healthcare apparatus, to liquidate the wealthy as a class. And let us not forget that Sanders has served as a dutiful cog in the capitalist machine before. Where was his radicalism when he supported the imperialist invasion of Yugoslavia? Or when, in 1994, he helped to entrench the American police state? Comrades, do not be fooled by this man. He is an imperialist and a safety valve with which the capitalists may dispose of class tensions in a way that suits them.


    Sanders may well be “an imperialist and a safety valve” for the capitalist class, as my colleague claims, but he need not be anything more. Advocates on his behalf have no illusion that he intends to lead a proletarian revolution. Such a revolution is already underway here in Liberated North America. All Sanders must do to be useful to the cause is act as a nuisance to the bourgeoisie and their state machinery, to stand between them and us, if only accidentally. If, as comrade Parenti puts it, he becomes a “blister on the establishment’s thumb,” we will be freer to advance our revolutionary goals with less interference. Sanders has been a vocal supporter of a “peaceful resolution” to the conflict between the provisional government and our American Worker’s Army. With recent developments in mind, is this not preferable to the state of affairs that will continue under Cuomo? Naturally, I have no doubt that we will repel the provisional government’s assault with ease, but a ceasefire would give us time to finish our campaigns elsewhere and re-engage the capitalists on our own terms. Furthermore, a Sanders presidency would focus the PG’s military attention on the Sons of the South, whose genocidal behavior from Montgomery to Savannah warrants immediate destruction, even if by the hand of another foe. Sanders is no revolutionary, but pragmatic comrades should lend him their critical support nonetheless.


    shamelessly stolen from here

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Oct 19 2022. Liberation Theologists capture North Dakota, burn Winshape at the stake.

    *Subcommander Marcos Galeano, leader of the "Holy Host of St Ruiz" Division of the AWA, engaged Winshape's army in a lightning pincer movement, capturing the commander and driving his forces into the hills where they were firebombed by aircraft from the St Thomas Squadron. Winshape was immediately taken to the New Town Centre, where he was summarily burned at the stake for Heresy and Counter-revolutionary activities. Collectivisation of the area is already in progress under a secular provisional council.

    As Winthrop's corpse burned, Galeano took confession before he made a stirring speech to the masses, claiming that "Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses, but today we have proven it can be the hottest fire of revolutionary force, like Jesus, we must whip the money-lenders and overturn their tables, and we must never halt until the temple of the world has been freed from their corruption."

    Pope Francis, currently under house arrest under the newly LibSoc dominated College of Cardinals, sent a congratulatory message.

    Sections of the AWA still debate the inclusion of religionists in our socialist army, but their success today in fighting the forces of reaction will aid their case.*