“Well what’s the alternative?”

tell them the alternative

“Well, everyone thinks their political opinion is the correct one, what gives you the right to say yours is correct”

passionately appeal to their human empathy and tell them why socialism is indeed correct

“Wow stop being so aggressive, you’re trying to force your beliefs on me, this is why people don’t like talking about politics”

sooner or later politics will become relevant to your life, capitalism is killing our species, do you not want to maybe do something about that...?

“Well if we’re all doomed anyway what’s the point, might as well just be blissfully ignorant”

Fucking end my life. This is almost verbatim a conversation I just had. This is a person who came from a working family who has worked and rented their whole life. Convo started when I called landlords parasites and tried to explain why, lol. How are we meant to convince a critical mass of these people to leave their false consciousness behind before capitalism fucking kills us all :doomer:

  • DrRobotnik [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    the cognitive dissonance is really strong... "normies" who are working people have invested a huge amount into believing the promises of capitalism and the excuses provided for why they always end up short. Lots of people will resist any explanation that says they've been lied to or taken advantage of because it makes them feel like a fool, and they'd rather continue to believe. you can't get someone to upend their whole belief system based on one conversation... best you can do is to introduce ideas gradually and let them come to their own conclusions.