we have no problem with transphobia on this site. nope, not at all.
CW: transphobia, misogyny, israel apologia, and mindbreaking nonsense:
Frequent hate murders = mildest form of oppression one can think off
Fuck terfs, solidarity with trans comrades
“Mild and easily avoidable oppression. Just don’t be trans, silly!”
can confirm i am now a cis woman just by clenching my butt really hard
i pass and still have been discriminated against by medical professionals, cops, and insurance so its just a piss off
mildest form of oppression one can think off
like how can even a TERF think that? HOW?
because, admitting the violence against us would grant us a point. also, this isn't a TERF, this is a garden variety transphobe that happens to think they're a leftist.
I love the subtle Israel apologia embedded into this one. hamas bad, y'all.
I noticed that. As if the transphobia wasn't bad enough, this person is just garbage on multiple levels.
they've got a whole misogynist rant they're about to unload. I can feel it coming from their posts about useless weight on the titanic.
quoting for posterity:
Tell me what gender you proclaim when you are waiting for the resuce boat on the Titanic , and i tell you if you carry weight or use weight…
Uhhhh, alright...
The mods need to fire this person into the sun.
actually, this bigot is letting me just tell them my gender so it's very woke.
Principled anti-imperialism gets you cancelled hard in Germany if you include Israel in the list of countries you're principled on. And i don't mean "randos on twitter unfollowing you", i mean that we have an actual law that prohibits public funding for any organisation that doesn't distance itself from BDS. There's some pushback against that recently, but discussing the issue always means entering a minefield.
To make matters worse, the far right in Germany is championing being pro-Israel so they can pretend that antisemitism is mostly a left and muslim problem. We're ofc talking about a far right that regularly includes holocaust deniers, is really, really into historical revisionism of the worst Wehraboo kind, and has even been called out by Israel's ambassador in Germany for being a bunch of antisemites and that their "support" isn't wanted, so it's super fucking obvious what they're pulling off here, but people still fall for it even among the far left. It's a fucking nightmare to see all that unfold in real time. Honestly, i'm not surprised at all that a German who has some reactionary takes also thinks supporting Palestinians is antisemitic, because that's a shockingly normal position in this country.
I remember a German comrade in the old sub did what was basically a casual AMA where he talked about how even German leftists tend to be shitty about Israel, likely because of national guilt for the holocaust (good, tbh) leading to misguided opinions (bad). But yeah he talked about how a lot of leftist ORGs there have shitty Israel takes.
Principled anti-imperialism gets you cancelled hard in Germany
True. Except for when it isn't (in terms of numbers of participants between two protests, or the antisemitic protests which are aimed against Israel and so called Zionism which are also organized by the Fascsit Gray Wolves)
if you include Israel in the list of countries you’re principled on.
Not quite true, but true enough for this board.
i mean that we have an actual law that prohibits public funding for any organisation that doesn’t distance itself from BDS.
Though you can be Anti-imp and still have problems with BDS who have even German spokespersons who argue about blood in terms who is foreign to Israel.
There’s some pushback against that recently, but discussing the issue always means entering a minefield.
To make matters worse, the far right in Germany is championing being pro-Israel
Some of them champion it, some do it tactically, some strategically and some don't mind to just use whatever argument works better in any given instance, for those what matters is opportunity. So what you wrote about it fits.
Honestly, i’m not surprised at all that a German who has some reactionary takes also thinks supporting Palestinians is antisemitic, because that’s a shockingly normal position in this country.
This take will work well on this board, but isn't quite differentiated enough. The vast majority of Germans support a Palestinian statehood. Does answering a questionnaire to that amount mean they support Palestine? Of those the vast majority support the two-state solution.
In what way the two-state-solution could still be achieved by the people in Israel, Palestine and the Occupied territories is an open question that should be answered by those. Though what happens there is part of the politics of the surrounding states and the Imperial core (to a degree much higher than, say 'South Sudan / Sudan' or alike). That means the question what happens there is a materialistic question that involves a whole net of questions, actors, policies and abilities to wield power.
Sentences like "Israel is an Apartheid state" (which I just now reproduced for the sake of the argument, which can be seen as a problem i.e. in other contexts reproduction of specific words are a problem in itself) will get you a lot of flak - depending on your audience and setting - in Germany. Though not by all and everyone.
Would you say instead "Israel's government and military, utilizes apartheid like policies (in the sense of the UN) in the occupied territories" you would get a lot less flak.
If you say: "I am for the abolishment of all nation states, Germany/USA/those of the imperial core first, Israel last" you would get a lot less flak (except by libs).
If you chant at a protest for sexual self agency and self determination a slogan used and associated with Hamas "From the River to the sea, Palestine will be free" you will get flak (and maybe beat up by police). If you shout instead "freedom from oppression every gender and consensual sexual self expression including in Palestine" you would get a lot less.
You can support support a policy of critical support or even principled anti-imperialism in the topic, though if you ignore that Hamas kills my gay comrades I might think that your anti-imperialist action doesn't leave room for me. Any call-out that focuses on Palestine and Israel as dichotomy and ignores the bordering states marginalizes the true interplay of bourgeois state actors, e.g. Egypt. Besides that I would which for a more socialist movement in Palestine and for international struggle that is anti-imperialist being as motivated as it is if the players contain the Occupied territories.
Sentences like “Israel is an Apartheid state” (which I just now reproduced for the sake of the argument, which can be seen as a problem i.e. in other contexts reproduction of specific words are a problem in itself) will get you a lot of flak
Would you say instead “Israel’s government and military, utilizes apartheid like policies (in the sense of the UN) in the occupied territories” you would get a lot less flak.
the first claim is emphatically not antisemitic, however. conflation of Jewish people with Israel is itself an antisemitic position. and the rewritten version isn't more nuanced - it's just making sure to include your evidence in the claim while avoiding the value judgment.
Neither the UN definition, nor the history of South African Apartheid match Israel though (i.e. you have Arab and Palestinians in Israel who are in all branches of governments and courts, doesn't mean there isn't oppression).
The occupied territories are a part in which policies that were called by reports Apartheid-like. So the statements are different and the first therefore can be read as antisemitic, cause it conflates only the Israeli nation as the apartheid state (ignoring all other colonialism that happens).
The evidence is not just the same, it is more specific (and a much stronger argument could be done) and unlike the first one not wrong per se.
they're mad about the purges so obviously the best way to convince us the mods did the wrong thing is to get more blatant with the transphobia.
Wow, every day that passes the terf purge becomes more and more justified
I think this is a tantrum for the purge. they've never been this blatant before. I've always been able to take them in good faith for a while before I realize they're terminally cissexist. but the recent wave of posts consistently jumps straight to "you don't exist", which always means "we will force you to not exist".
8 more for the purge
downvoting calling out transphobia? That's purge worthy.
@Beatnik is this post going on the list for getting strikes?
aas the user base of chapo are all white people.
This is me erasure.
Please wear sunscreen now if you're out for long periods of time. People with darker skin are less likely to get checked for skin cancer and thus if they get it, it usually ends up being worse because it's allowed to grow longer🥺 I care about you comrade <3
I don't but they're not implying you don't exist... glad this fool is gone and I hope it stays that way.
Already Made "Buntschuh Redemption Arc" Account dont you worry ...
Aas the userbase of chapo are all white people
I'll strap anyone who calls me white to an anti-aircraft gun, execute them, then revive them with necromancy.
No dumb sourkraut eating german stupidpol dweeb is calling my working-class korean ass white.
they reversed course in their next reply and declared my oppression to really be because I'm not white.
I'm pretty sure that out of the like 10600 or so people on this site, there's bound to be folks here that aren't "salt is too spicy for me" white.
This might be the worst take I've seen on dunk tank yet wtf. Ban this stupid fuck
Edit: looks like they have been banned. Another reactionary terf down. Too many to go 😞
last time i went on 'vacation' was to visit my grandparents in person, in a place where im a citizen, when i was 15. legit havent stepped foot in czechia since
I can't tell who got owned in that exchange. But luckily it wasn't me.
Ι don't even know if they think they're leftists. It was a very confusing account that seemed like someone doing a very weird bit.
they had some other posts in that thread about whether trans people are really comrades... or if we'll abandon them to go with the women and children?? very confusing account.
I saw their posts pretty often and I went into their account a couple times, it was just weird troll shit a lot of which was downvoted to hell, and I was really confused why they were still unbanned lol
But yeah, I think it was just some weird troll account, best ignored.
sorry, meant that to say that I think they were at least attempting to present as a leftist, if a very weird one.
i mean isnt that just true? i remember reading that bismarck created a decentralized socialized healthcare system in 1883. it had compulsory insurance, free health services and sick benefits. there was increasing pressure to democratize the country. by tying healthcare to the state instead of labor unions or socialist political parties he defused some working class movements. thats what my textbook says at least
yes, but that's a denunciation of the liberal position on universal healthcare - they're more reactionary than fucking bismarck. the problem is conflating health insurance with healthcare (something M4A does as well) and holding up bismarck as some kind of paragon.
its actually : Otto von Bismarck is the Inventor of Universal Healthcare ,If you did not Know by now , what does it tell you about the quality of the "National Dialog" in america ? Its a censored Dialog
Did you all get any good presents for Hamas this year? I just got another PK/M.
I just grabbed the last pallet I could find of 7.62x39. You can never go wrong with that.