"Yes Honey".

Be advised, do not inquire any further if you aren't ready to stomach such things, as there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and there's literally nothing positive in this post.

As 2020 is thankfully coming to a close, some predict already, and not without arguments, that 2021 will be even worse. So, lets take it even further, and think about the future. No, not the one that was robbed from us years ago when the bad guys won the cold war; I mean the one we're headed to right now. Almost anyone here knows about the circumstances we're in, and at the very least, know how fucked we are because of a multitude of factors.

There are many things that could come affect our future, such as :

  • Water shortages due to pollution and reckless overconsumption, underground water is running out everywhere. Turns out rejecting waste into the oceans and rivers wasn't a bright idea, who could've thought ?
  • Food shortages due to top soil loss, peak phosphate, bad harvests due to constant climatic events. Top soil loss is what happened during the Dust Bowl events, and it is happening again here. Peak phosphate is equally worrying, because we need to feed a lot of people, and while a lot of food is wasted, we are using shittons of fertilizer to power our agriculture, and we're running out of it.
  • Said climatic events will also become more frequent, the most unbearable ones being heat waves and constant cyclones, but there's also the worry that El Nino and the Jet Stream could be disturbed, drastically affecting winters (correct me on that if I'm wrong)
  • The 6th extinction, which we can already witness (less insects, mammals, fish, birds and so on). This will also affect the global food supply.
  • Ground minerals being exploited to their limits. Be it oil or rare earth, we need it for capitalist stuff. And it's running out. We use petrol not only to power most of our industry, but also for making a good chunk of our goods. Same goes for rare earth, which is used to build computers and nearly all electronic devices.
  • Deforestation keeping its frenetic pace, irreversably damaging ecosystems, some predict that in a few years, a good chunk of the Amazon will turn into a savana.

Such changes would trigger changes of their own :

  • Water wars, some countries are already in the process of gearing up to secure bodies of water, be it lakes or rivers (Ethiopia vs Egypt/Sudan with the Nile, or Pakistan vs India with Kashmir both being excellent examples).
  • Resource Wars : as oil inevitably runs out in the Middle East, there will be a scramble for both Antartic and the Arctic regions. Uranium will also be sought out, but there isn't enough of it for any long-term survival there.
  • Starvation : when food runs out, people inevitably die en masse, who could've thought ?
  • Unlivable heat : densely populated regions such as Central Africa, South-East Asia, India, South America will become too hot to sustain life, and not only during summers. At some point, the air is so hot you can't cool off through sweating, and are likely to die if you do not find some shelter. This is exacerbated with humidity, which all these regions have in common.
  • Pandemics will also be far more likely to arise with the changing climate, and the worsening of poverty in regions that are already plagued with poverty. As a matter of fact, some dormant viruses are awakening with the melting of the permafrost.
  • Rising sea levels will swallow coastlines and entire islands.
  • The previously mentioned changes will also spawn unseen migrations as people try to escape the nightmare of living near equatorial regions; and while most of migration up to that point has been intracontinental, as we are talking about entire continents becoming hostile to life, people will inevitably try to leave their continents for colder zones.
  • And last but not least, lets conclude with this : our societies aren't built for either long-term sustainability, nor to take in such an amount of beatings in such a short period of time, and will inevitably collapse, no matter how many stages they go through to try and preserve their integrity. Social strife will inevitably arise, and even if we triumph over the fascist tide, parts of me think we might be too late to avoid disaster.

I have tried to keep it short and consise, not only because I wanted to keep the post simple, but also because I'm a lazy commie writing this at 4am. In fact, I am writing this because I just can't find peace, and need to hear your thoughts about this. I also probably forgot a few things, but that's I could think of right on top of my head. No matter how many encouraging news there are about technological breakthroughs, I fear it is too little, too late at this point, but I am more than happy to hear your thoughts about this.

  • americandeathdrive [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    In some ways a lot of this stuff is scary but I really don't see fascism taking hold as it would still nessitate a underlying capitalist economic system which would in my mind be too wasteful to stabilize or produce in a climate disaster situation. I think to some extent the case for socialism becomes more obvious once developed countrys can no longer bribe its populations due to climate instability disrupting them and their sweet cash cow imperalised colonys. This is just my two cents I realize their are no guarantees and cool zone shit can happen but personly I don't see the death of this system until the material conditions supporting neoliberalism as it exist changes. This all might just be my lack of faith in the left as it exists now but I feel this bribe falling apart is our ticket out of hellworld.

  • curmudgeonthefrog [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yep fair points all around. But a few things:

    1. Dont forget about the cool zone: The full vengance black pill jokerfied accelerationist hot takes of the future are gonna be hella funny and woke. 2.Plus maybe death to America since nation states will fall apart at some point. 3.Also some reassurance, by the time we're old things will be bad but maybe not quite the mad max lifestyle our kids and grandkids will deal with. 4.And planet earth is gonna be just fine, it'll bounce back from whatever humanity throws at it, just not at a time scale convenient for humanity.