You can’t downvote me even if you wanted to! MY MASTER PLAN IS FINALLY COMPLETE!

Now I will have the most downvoted post in the history of this site FOREVER!


    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      I don't appreciate the condescension comrade. There are still upvotes, therefore comments can still be ordered by vote ratio. Pretty sure you know that's what I meant.

      So where's the problem

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Edit: to elaborate further, this change artificially eliminates negativity. Hiding something doesn’t make it go away, and we shouldn’t force people to pretend to like things they don’t. That’s like being forced to smile as a cashier.

          just saw your edit, figured I'd respond sorry if I'm being annoying, it's an interesting discussion

          I'd argue this is the strength of removing the downvote, because downvotes can mean anything, but a comment condemning a post for whatever it is to be condemned for is far sharper and more pointed a weapon

          It's not combatting liberalism to downvote a liberal post, but to analyze it and shred it apart in front of the audience

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          Ahh, my bad, sorry for jumping to conclusions 😅

          I can understand where you're coming from, but I guess I just don't agree that it's a substantial problem

          Anyway, thanks for explaining your pov, sorry for getting defensive <3