This is probably ripe for copypasta but fuck it.

Unironically complaining about people being online instead of organising is stupid.

People can do more then one thing at a time. Just because we're being nerds here doesn't mean we aren't organising offline. Even if you don't organise IRL, I'm not going to judge you. I don't know you, peoples lives are complicated. You might be ill, you might be working 3 jobs, it's none of my business. I especially don't want my American comrades catching covid and dying, I imagine you'd be a lot less effective at organising if you're dead.

So assuming that someone is less of a leftist because, for whatever reason, they can't organise is stupid. We're all libs here anyway.

I've never considered posting shit online to be revolutionary. It's just a dumb site to share stupid shit with likeminded idiots. Let people have fun, yo.

  • goldsound [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That was one of my biggest takeaways from the struggle session(s) today is that I didnt realize there was a sign saying "You must do this much praxis to post". I donate when I can but I work 40+ hours a week, I live in the Evil Empire where covid is slowly replacing the air itself, I know 0 leftists irl, and have just an absolute shit cocktail of brain chemicals. I know I should organize irl. For fucks sake I basically live in constant self-flagelation every damn day. I come here because I just want to shit post and discuss politics with cool people. I know that posting =/= organizing, and I'm trying to get there. I'm just trying to find something to keep myself from unraveling in this hellworld.

    This kind of got personal and ranty and I didn't mean to but fuck it I'm clicking post anyway.