Wow it's almost as if not 100% of the population of a country agrees with their shitty government... and with each other...
Your last statement is like saying "2/3s of the BLM protesters would literally waterboard arabs on their way back most likely". No they would not.
Workers of the world (eXcEpT iF yOu cOme fRom aN imPeriAliSt cOuNtry, or a coUntRy wHeRe rAciSm eXiSTs, in wHicH cAsE aCtUalLy yOuR nAtIoNaLitY mAkEs YoU bAd) unite! smh
I have had many interactions with European leftists. Genuine leftists who know theory. They tend to still hold A LOT of antiziganist beliefs. Romani people are one of the worst treated groups in the world. That is no way related to BLM protestors, nor would I say such a thing. I have a hard time trusting European leftists for such reasons. Do you live in France? Europe? Interact with Roma on any normal basis? Know anything about Europe’s casual racism towards us?
I understand where you’re coming from, but American leftists DO have the tendency to ... romanticize (for lack of better word) French protestors specifically. That’s all.
Without disclosing too much, let's say at least that I lived in France for many years (and thanks god, I'm not American). To be fair I do not know any Romani people personally - yet I've heard countless racist remarks against them. I get you, antiziganism there is maaaaaassive (even in some leftists circles).
But I still think it's very harsh - no, it's a gross caricature - to say that a majority of French protesters just hate you. "Romanticizing" French protestors would be a mistake - that I agree with you - but going the opposite extreme and just calling them a bunch of racists does not help either.
2/3s maybe wouldn’t spit on a Roma woman, but I do still believe 2/3s at least would say racist things against us. But again, I get what you’re saying. A comment I make hyperbolically criticizing the protestors doesn’t negate what they do and have done and their fight in their battle. Just a warning for unaware Americans to be careful who they idealize.
Wow it's almost as if not 100% of the population of a country agrees with their shitty government... and with each other...
Your last statement is like saying "2/3s of the BLM protesters would literally waterboard arabs on their way back most likely". No they would not.
Workers of the world (eXcEpT iF yOu cOme fRom aN imPeriAliSt cOuNtry, or a coUntRy wHeRe rAciSm eXiSTs, in wHicH cAsE aCtUalLy yOuR nAtIoNaLitY mAkEs YoU bAd) unite! smh
I have had many interactions with European leftists. Genuine leftists who know theory. They tend to still hold A LOT of antiziganist beliefs. Romani people are one of the worst treated groups in the world. That is no way related to BLM protestors, nor would I say such a thing. I have a hard time trusting European leftists for such reasons. Do you live in France? Europe? Interact with Roma on any normal basis? Know anything about Europe’s casual racism towards us?
I understand where you’re coming from, but American leftists DO have the tendency to ... romanticize (for lack of better word) French protestors specifically. That’s all.
Without disclosing too much, let's say at least that I lived in France for many years (and thanks god, I'm not American). To be fair I do not know any Romani people personally - yet I've heard countless racist remarks against them. I get you, antiziganism there is maaaaaassive (even in some leftists circles).
But I still think it's very harsh - no, it's a gross caricature - to say that a majority of French protesters just hate you. "Romanticizing" French protestors would be a mistake - that I agree with you - but going the opposite extreme and just calling them a bunch of racists does not help either.
lol i feel that.
2/3s maybe wouldn’t spit on a Roma woman, but I do still believe 2/3s at least would say racist things against us. But again, I get what you’re saying. A comment I make hyperbolically criticizing the protestors doesn’t negate what they do and have done and their fight in their battle. Just a warning for unaware Americans to be careful who they idealize.