People who harass our trans members in DMs?

People who insist, in bad faith, that there isn't any transphobia because they don't personally see it?

People who get foaming-at-the-mouth angry at new efforts to root out transphobia?

We're better off without them.

This site gets with worse with every trans user who leaves because of transphobia, and I hope that we can make this a site where that no longer happens.

    • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Personally I’m cool with more bans.

      Rose tinted glasses are to be expected when looking in the past. But for one thing we had like 10x the users and posts so that probably helped obscure shit.

      I know that some of the users who are being shit heads I recognize from the old subs. They were obnoxious contrarian asshats there and they are here too, and if it were up to me they’d have been gone a loooong time ago. Makes me laugh when people whine about the mods being heavy handed when they’ve left a lot of people choosing to die on this hill unscathed.

      I also don’t experience too much but I do see it, and I’ve seen it in the mod logs. But above all else I’m gonna listen to the droves of trans users over a bunch of whiney white dudes about the issue that effects them worse. Particularly knowing, as a cishet white guy, the unfortunate history we have as a group of talking over and disregarding the experiences of our marginalized and nonmen comrades. The little bit of talking about it I’ve done has had them come at me a bit I can only imagine if you were openly posting as trans what you’d have to deal with day in and out

        • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yea I think there’s a lot of solutions to issues that basically come down to when the devs can sort it out.

          Ultimately we have develop a clear idea of the site culture we’re working towards is and have it reaffirmed by each of us when we encounter bs. I don’t think mods and banning can do everything. People need to join in with our visions

          Agreed, I hope so too. :fidel-salute:

        • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Likewise, you weren’t one of the people I was calling a shit head. I always assumed you were doing what you felt was right even if I didn’t agree with every person you were defending was worth it. Godspeed comrade.