The Brabant Killers were a gang of murderers who were active in Belgium from 1981-1985. They killed 28 people over those 4 years. They often targeted supermarkets in which they would steal cash, but never in very high amounts, and were very trigger-happy.

it gets interesting...

The last gang robbery (despite patrols checking the supermarket every twenty minutes) led to rumors of them having some kind of inside knowledge and possibly complicity by elements from the Belgian military in the attacks. Suspiciously, nearby vehicles belonging to the Federal military police (Gendarmes, which had a semiautomatic FN Uzis in their compartments) did not engage or pursue the gang.

A theory is that far-right group Westland New Post was responsible for the killings. When the leader of the WNP's home was searched, NATO documents were found, but he claims they belonged to a different group member. And, of course, basically every far-right group in europe was funded by NATO at some point.

Speculation about a connection to the Brabant killers increased after former WNP members — including the only Gendarmerie — recalled being ordered to covertly surveil and compile a report on security arrangements at Belgian supermarkets of a large chain that was targeted by the killers.

This is just my tired ramblings, but I think that it is likely that NATO is behind this in some form or another.