"They told everybody to vote for Joe B*den, that's how socialist they are" :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh:

      • captcha [any]
        4 years ago

        Citations? Specifically on this letter? Our chapter introduced the by law that forbid DSA from endorsing anyone but Bernie.

        Edit: found the letter further in chat.

          • captcha [any]
            4 years ago

            I got very confused here because MADSA is also the name of the chapter that introduced resolution 15 which forbid National from endorsing anyone but Sanders.

            FWIW The resolution doesn't overturn any prohibition on endorsing non-socialists. But it does do everything it can to provide material aide to Biden without endorsing him. GOTV campaigns, issue based campaigns, defeat republicans, using it as a recruiting oppurtunity. Bootlicker isn't the right word. They know what they're doing is wrong but but they've been completely cowed into doing it.

              • captcha [any]
                4 years ago

                Madison Area DSA also goes by MADSA.

                it is a de facto endorsement in every way that matters.

                That was my point.