not intended to be a comment on whether china is socialist or not, more on how the answer to this question is always long and complex, no struggle sessions pls

  • Not_irony [he/him]
    4 years ago

    seems like they helped a lot of people get out of poverty and have cool trains. but also do other things, too. I personally would rather live there right now just so I could not die of covid, so theres that

    • cleanshavedballs [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Expecting China to fit your narrow definition of socialism based off something like, idk orthodox Marxism, i guess you could call it, is western chauvinism. China is a country of people who must do what they must to prosper. Like all governments and economic systems should. Motherfucker they learn Marx in primary school. How you gonna sit at your computer and say they aren't socialist

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        You have good and valid points, especially the calling out of chauvinism. I would like to highlight a few points in your posts, still.

        China is a country of people

        Is something which is true, but which is problematic in the sense that nation states are problematic and in the sense that Marxism is internationalist. China due to its productive forces has a lot of more ability to withstand a militaristic capitalistic siege than other nation actors had before. Still an end of classes means an end of nation states, sooner or later. This is not to be a critique of China vs any other nation, in fact the US should be unmade before any talk about China as a country should even start.

        Like all governments and economic systems should [do to prosper]

        Is something I would say is an idealistic view of the goal of governments and systems. The class struggle and the excesses of a bourgeoisie state are what shapes more than the drive to "prosper" what happens in typical capitalistic states.

        Still if your understanding of Marxism and Socialism is differentiated you can fit China into Socialism and socialist stages. Naturally there are different points of views of how to apply terms, but that doesn't diminish from that fact.

        That real existing China isn't how some utopian young western Socialists imagine Socialism is true, but doesn't matter and often shows their chauvinism.

        • cleanshavedballs [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          I agree 1000% with everything you said. Especially the part about the US. Expecting China to make big, heavy handed moves towards full communism while US hegemony remains intact is to ask them to weaken themselves in the face of the largest global threat.

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I hold my opinions on China because it’s all dependent on what they do after america falls.

  • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Have you considered this: China good because if China bad then we'd all be fucked beyond compare and i don't want to live in that reality

    • dukeofprunes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      is god punishing me? (that's what it said, not irrational frustration at your question)

  • kimilsungist [they/them]
    4 years ago

    china, ultimately, whether you think it is socialism or not, uses what WORKS. The Chinese system, and lets not be dogmatic here comrades, is extremely efficient at creating economic growth, and spreading that growth effectively to propel MORE growth. This is what China needs right now. What it needs in the future is not really predictable in a lot of ways. And I mean to say, there will come a time when China no longer prioritizes growth and productive forces. When that time comes, it will assess the needs and go with what works. Is that socialism? you tell me ...