Lmfao this happened to my former landlord TWICE. Except they didn't go back, they just moved across town and took half his shit.
The second divorce was in process when I moved out and he was already with a new Asian girlfriend who is probably going to take half his shit a third time.
My driving teacher was a guy who did this. I dunno if he actually married them or if he had a prenup or what, but he would just swap them out for a new one every year or two. He kept telling me how great his life was, how he would get them to cook and clean for him him. I got a new teacher after a couple of lessons, it was too weird. I should have got a new one after the first lesson, but I was kinda fascinated.
Is this just a rebranding of "white guys who move to Thailand"?
i didnt know racial fetishization would cure my depression thanks :ancap-good:
help i started fetishizing east asian women and now i have a fetish for east asian women and depression this didn't work help
You fool. You haven't read enough libertarian theory. Fetishizing east Asian women is not enough, you also have to buy one.
help now i have an unhealthy fetish, a terrified stranger legally bound to me looking to escape, and depression what do i do???
No. Will that save me from my 3 previously states problems?
EDIT: just tried it, now I have an unhealthy fetish, a terrified stranger legally bound to me, bad taste in headwear, and depression
If a creepy racist sexual fetish, a sex slave and a stupid hat doesn't cure your depression I fear that you were never a proper Randian Übermensch in the first place. Therefore you deserve your suffering.
I understand. I am the inferior man who does not deserve the sweat of his brow. Praise be to Milton Friedman
someone once called Jamie Peck "not your big theory goth gf" and now I think about that whenever someone says "big titty goth gf"
idk my bf is a communist guy with a trans gf and he seems pretty happy
So fucking jelly. Wish I could catch me one of these. All I get is boring tinder clones
I started out as a beta libertarian, and then had that weird sigma radlib phase. Nowadays, I'm a pure alpha ancommie.
Sometimes though, I almost feel like I'm slipping into the gamma post leftist phase, because I was prescribed one Zizek video a day, which was supposed to keep the liberalism away, but it also has side effects so who knows.
such a Big Lie: deliberately saying the exact opposite of the truth to break the assumptions of reasonable discussion
When the worker creates value, this is known as labour. People who support the right of the worker to the fruit of his labour are called the Labour Movement.
When the value created by labor is taken from others, this is known as capital. People who support this are known as capitalists.
This is basic stuff.
I feel I lost by dignifying his point with a rebuttal though.
No you are right.
Let me rephrase more clearly: capital is the thing that permits a boss to appropriate the value created by the worker.
something something dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor
the Libertarian Guy has property
Ah yes, Libertarian Guys and buying people on the market, name a more iconic duo.
Q: What's the difference between libertarian guy with an Asian wife and a communist guy?
A: The libertarian guy is now kept in 23hr solitary confinement for his own protection, while the communist just has depression.