I dunno, doc, is the psychology you're practicing right now trying to help me integrate into a maximally-accomodating community of peers or is it trying to individualize my ability to barely cope with performing as a cog in an indifferent economy designed only to enrich the few at my expense?
You need to amplify your body in your own kinetic liminal space and process your internalized toxic microaggressions and trauma by realizing you don't owe people anything. That'll be 80$ please
I agree, it is very complicated. People fight capitalism better when functional, and deserve help if they need it to just make it through the week. And, as I said in another thread, not every mental (or physical) issue can be solved just by improving society somewhat. We'll still need doctors and medicine in the fully automated luxury gay space communism.
honestly feel like psychologists have to be the most reactionary lot out there. You’re seeing patients who are so broken down by the system and trying to convince them they have to see within themselves to find out why its their fault LMAO
If you're stuck in capitalist realism and can't imagine an end to this system, getting people functional probably seems like a noble goal. I'm surprised that the material conditions they can see grinding up their patients doesn't radicalize them, but I'm surprised when anyone's material conditions doesn't radicalize them, so they don't seem too unique.
"I’m surprised that the material conditions they can see grinding up their patients doesn’t radicalize them"
If your psychiatrist is not organizing for revolution, don't trust them.
Sen_Jenhe/him/comrade/them 1 • a few seconds cope
AMBER_BOTit/its 1 • a few seconds Amber.
Sen_Jenhe/him/comrade/them 1 • a few seconds cope
AMBER_BOTit/its 1 • a few seconds Amber.
AMBER_BOTit/its 1 • a few seconds Amber.
Well yes doctor, we are living in a material conditions world and i am a material conditions girl
Side note: Psychiatry is shit at dealing with material conditions.
Once in group therapy someone told about being depressed due to being in debt and on welfare and consequently having very limited options in everyday life. My psychiatrist is an adorable old lady, she could be someone's favourite aunt, and she is usually pretty good at understanding stuff and giving good explanations. But this she simply couldn't fathom. She couldn't move beyond naive bourgeois moralisation, "but you don't have a job", "but you accepted to pay it back", "but you have to take responsibility".
i tried to get therapy like 3 weeks ago, she was this very firm israeli lady who would say im making excuses when i told her i was overwhelmed at work and basically gave me a training in how to organize my time and structure my work day. bitch i came to talk about my anxiety and stress not get a work training 😭 i quit after my second session when she cut me off early twice
she also ranted about how my worries aren’t warranted because i’m young and talked about how she didn’t get her degree for nursing until 29 and when she moved here she had to start over and stuff and talked about her work im social work and horrid. sometimes mental health practitioners are outa touch
Most therapists have been like this with me. They've always tied my personal functionality to how well I'm performing at work. Their goal always seemed to normalize my behavior enough that I'm not a nuisance to my boss.
Gangstalking is real they're just Pinkerton union busters