pedo scene

"funny" rapey scene

offensive scene with a trans character

offensive scene with a gay character


  • QuillQuote [they/them]
    4 years ago
    cw transphobia

    Theres an episode of naruto shippuden like 350 episodes in, and it's just sudden full blown transphobia and I just, fuckin, CMON, WHY YOU GOTTA DO THIS I WAS HAVIN FUN

    naruto just bullies and shames this cute giant armadillo girl and makes her cry and exposes her genitals in public and misgenders her. And this is all framed with her being a fully intelligent being, and is supposed to be funny

    even the wiki misgenders her and plays into this

    Not to even mention the rampant misogeny in this show like holy fuck, every single main female character has a speech where they say "I may just be a woman, but I'm still cool!"

      • mwsduelle [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It's a really bad trope that I hope becomes less and less of a thing. I swear there is a checklist for every anime/manga that has all these awful tropes and only certain creators seem to be able to defy "the list".