Chapo Trap House is an American political comedy podcast that debuted in 2016, hosted by Will Menaker, Felix Biederman, Matt Christman and, following the …
Among its far-left fanbase, you've got anarchists (who tend to loathe authoritarian governments) and "tankies" (supporters of Stalin, Mao, modern-day Venezuela/China/Russia, etc) who virulently hate each other just as much as they love the boys' takedowns of the mainstream left, often duking it out over whether or not the group supports authoritarian leftist regimes. Chapo themselves really dislike the latter.
Reminded tvtropes is a wiki and wiki still very right leaning.
Yeah for like trivia it's good but politics is what. I still sometime browse but only for fictional things or some speculation on nerd shit. I think we could change or add things but might be an uphill battle.
Despite being a stupid 4chan wiki it's usually the only place which describes what is interesting and special about an rpg in a concise way. Either than than you'd end up reading a Wikipedia page that doesn't really tell you shit or novel-length review.
Under YMMV broken base
Reminded tvtropes is a wiki and wiki still very right leaning.
imagine thinking the main divide in the base is between anarkiddies and tankies and not ironybros and carelords
Got to admit first time I heard the term carelords.
i'm sure they've used it on the pod
We talking citations needed right?
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Carelords will win, as by definition we are more motivated o7
Ah yes, the very real and numerous tankie Putin stans.
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Yeah for like trivia it's good but politics is what. I still sometime browse but only for fictional things or some speculation on nerd shit. I think we could change or add things but might be an uphill battle.
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Lmao at this being described in the same cadence as the 4chan Warhammer tabletop wiki
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Despite being a stupid 4chan wiki it's usually the only place which describes what is interesting and special about an rpg in a concise way. Either than than you'd end up reading a Wikipedia page that doesn't really tell you shit or novel-length review.
And it also tells you the stupid shit that GW does in a concise way. I definitely prefer 1d4chan to any Warhammer wiki.