Personally: Fuck that, I ain't doin' it.

I'm just sick of all this shit and pissed off that it isn't over by now like China.

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Its normalized and gets shrugged off because its unobtrusive. We know the data gets collected, but it get sent off to some data storage complex in Utah where no one looks at it, except probably a computer program that automatically searches for some keywords.

    That's a far cry from getting a message that basicslly says "we know you were out clubbing on friday. Go get tested or we're gonna send the cops to your house to throw your ass in jail." Or something like this

    As I sit at home, my phone beeps alarmingly with emergency alerts. "A 43-year-old man, resident of Nowon district, tested positive for coronavirus," it says. "He was at his work in Mapo district attending a sexual harassment class. He contracted the virus from the instructor of the class." A series of alerts then chronicle where the men had been, including a bar in the area until 11:03 at night. These alerts arrive all day, every day, telling you where an infected person has been - and when. You can also look up the information on the Ministry of Health and Welfare website. No names or addresses are given, but some people are still managing to connect the dots and identify people. The public has even decided two of the infected were having an affair.