I enjoyed some of these lines roasting American values:
In case of difficulties, there is a government to find, which is better than being free to freeze!
Is a small government a good government? Is a big government a bad government? These two questions are meaningless. There is no direct relationship between a good government and a bad government.
Also I was very impressed by how well Google Translate worked for this
Yeah instead of using programmer written rules, Google translate learns from human-translated articles and figures out what various phrases usually translate out to. It's way better for the more commonly spoken and translated languages.
This line fucking rules and I'm stealing it as an ancient chinese proverb.
Just curious, not sure if you’ve heard this guy, but do you know Wen Tiejun? Wonder what you think of his opinions. Millions were watching his videos on Bilibili etc. and I personally found his opinions quite reasonable.
Thanks for the reply! It appears to me that the Chinese youth are more interested in politics, especially leftism, as opposed to the older generations who are more indifferent/cynical to politics and and lean right. I hope that would be good for the country.
There's some good content, critical support to google translate, it works better than I expected
Just read this one on fertility rates http://m.wyzxwk.com/content.php?classid=14&id=431198&actid=02102
It's... Weird.
It is said that the last Korean or Japanese will disappear in a hundred years.
Even in Europe, didn't it absorb a lot of refugees there, as soon as these black and green people entered the big cities, the fertility rate still plummeted
education makes everyone miserable
Everyone pays taxes and raises black and green children, are you excited?
yeah i know, it's pretty funny. The first one annoys me though, idk what they meant. You get their general point in number three but they really seem to hate school. I get what they're saying in number two but omg "black and green", maybe it's black and brown?
4th one gives me weird vibes, some xenophobia? Or a genuine suggestion to use immigration to lessen the effects of the aging population
The first quote shows a serious misunderstanding of how demographics work. These nations have declining populations and huge elderly populations. Over the next few decades those large generations will die and the new old generation will be todays rather small young population.
I think "Green" means Arab/Middle Eastern. There's definately some xenophobia here. I know there's structural problems with immigration (dislocation, brain drain, cultural conflict) so to say immigration is an undesirable solution to population decline is reasonable. But they're not doing that. Obviously they think demograghic change with regards to race is bad, but they don't bother to explain why. It comes across as very chud.
I'm giving it a generous 10% chance of being just unfortunate translation.
If my context clues clues are serving me it means they also don't have a common coherent consensus and mostly have struggle sessions about it
it was taken down before, when Bo Xilai was arrested and put in jail, the CCP were targeting a lot of leftists/neo-Maoists, and Utopia was a casualty. I'm surprised it was brought back online. For those too young to know, Bo Xilai was a popular CCP member, he was governor of one of the big provinces, but what distinguished him from other CCP big shots was that he was openly promoting the egalitarianism of the Maoist period. If you're skeptical you could say it was just a vaneer, because he was controversial, his wife murdered some expat in some big business scandal or something and sent to prison. Their son was sent to some big elite Western University and drove around in a ferrari. Anyways, Bo Xilai was arrested on some corruption charge and sent to jail. It was pretty big and shocking news around leftists circles because it was under Xi's rule, and Bo's promotion of egalitarianism was supposed to allign with Xi's more "leftist" rule.
Just a few years ago, the CCP arrested some Maoist students who were supporting striking workers. Too many episodes where the CCP has shown their anti-leftism for me to uncritically support them. I only defend them on anti-imperialist grounds, they do give some breathing space to countries targeted by US imperialism.
I’m joking, but I have seen people on here argue Chinese student Marxists are cia trying to undermine Xi.
Yeah they and local workers were trying to form an independent Union because they felt the state's official one was way too cozy with the Manufacturing bosses.
Most of the pro-China posters here would endorse the views on the site. All anti-China posters would hate. This is not the western criticism seen by western netizens, and it does not resemble it. Many users here do not know the internal politics and are tasked by misinformed arguments against to defend things which they do not actually need to defend. There is a defensive attitude.
I also recommend http://theory.people.com.cn/
I specially like some of the articles written by Xi.