I'm not actually upset Grandma and Grandpa are getting vaccinated first. My state abandoned any pretense that "essential workers" might get prioritized in the vaccine rollout once hospital staff all got theirs and is now functioning on a purely age based rollout. Many of my coworkers and I are "essential" frontline workers and many of us are in our twenties or teens which means we will be some of the last people to get vaccinated, meanwhile a bunch of comfy PMC-types in their thirties and forties who get to work from home are going to get their shots months ahead of us.
It's bad enough that they've essentially condemned us to death for the economy this whole time, but now they're not even doing it for the economy.
The state is directing vaccines to the elderly because they're so much more vulnerable to covid. Watch, theyll get most of to 70+ crowd done and death rates will massively decline - Biden will declare a premature victory and the media will move on as if that was the end of covid. Except of course all the young and middle aged workers that can still get covid and possibly get long term symptoms, and also still are at risk of dying. But they wont hand out eviction moratoriums or stimulus, "because the pandemic is over havent you seen the stats? Just look how few people are dieing compared to a month ago."
The world they have left for us is objectively shit, and they have fought us every time we try to fix it. So yeah its ok to hate old people.
Statistically of course there are good old people
no of course I'm not mad at the old people. Just kind of wondering to what extent I'm justified in being upset that my vaccination date was effectively pushed back two or three months and a new level of disregard being shown for workers like myself edit: in favor of older people
I'm not upset at the old people though. They had as much say in this as I did (which is none). I'm envious of older (than me) people being prioritized, particularly people in their thirties, forties, and fifties who have gotten to work from home throughout this entire thing while I've had to go into work every day terrified of my lungs being permanently scarred. I'm mad at the government for all their failures through this pandemic and definitely mad that they've decided that I am lower priority than someone who gets to sit on zoom calls all day.
If you got your vaccine before an essential worker because the government decided that's how it was gonna go, would that essential worker not be justified in their anger with the government?
If you got your vaccine before an essential worker because the government decided that’s how it was gonna go, would that essential worker not be justified in their anger with the government?
Prioritizing elderly because the individual risk from infection is higher seems worse than prioritizing essential workers where the potential risk of exposure & transmission is higher seems foolish to me. While the elderly are a vulnerable population I think it's still reasonable to conclude this is societally detrimental even for them.
(am not a virus wrangler)
Yeah, I can definitely concede that the majority of the service industry wasn't "essential" and was just sacrificed for profit and convenience.
imo it should go the elderly elderly, immunocompromised/other major health things, frontline (hospitals, grocery stores, teachers, essential workers), everyone else
I'm extremely revanchist when it comes to most old folks. The whole fucking system is corrupt and caters specifically to them and others who have connections, because thats how they built it. I doubt I'll even make it to 40 or so based on what I think about the future, I cant have kids in these conditions, which I've always dreamed of having, so yeah I despise the 60 year old shitheads that voted for these systems and did nothing to alleviate Amerikkka's problems.
I don't think you can put too much blame on most old people for this system because that presumes a degree of democracy which I don't think ever seriously existed. At the same time they've been mostly indifferent to this awful system emerging simply because it didn't affect them. I think that combined with jealousy causes some confusing feelings.
I'm not confused, I am very angry at the olds. I do legitimately, want to end social security and medicaid/medicare because of how it has engendered an entire class of old people to do the "fuck you I got mine routine" and if you even dare to talk to them about climate change, well, "I wont be alive for that!" (as they complain on facebook in terrible grammar about why the world is bloodred and how it burns to breathe). And youre right about the democracy point, but all that really means is that while they lived during a time of tension and ability to change things, they didnt, and now we have to against much worse odds.
Turn Social Security into a UBI funded by Georgist land taxes, and goddamn healthcare pls M4A. Otherwise these people as a group do not deserve it for their stewardship of the planet. They legitimately need to be reeducated beyond even that, and I dont think the world is going to have the resources for it as we go forward. People in the 3rd world (mostly young with blank slates) deserve so much more than most of the boomers.
Lol I always thought the "chapo = brocialism" stuff was waaay over the top, but this site has definitely gotten it down to an art. Not sure if it's been distilled from the sub, or if I was just blind to it before.
I'm curious what you mean by brocialism. I feel like I'm pretty unique in terms of where I've found certain bits where I want things to be different.
Kinda harsh but tbh I feel ya. I’m an immigrants son, these old fucks aren’t my old fucks, and it’s not exactly like their comrades. Why is the end of their lives more important than the entirety of ours?
And vsaush up there hit the nail on the head; they’re applying all their resources for these leadbrained boomers & as soon as they get deaths under control they’re gonna throw us to the wolves. I only hope the ones who live get to suffer the continuing demise of the shithole illegitimate country they call home.
My aunt got hers before my other aunt who's a nurse. The same aunt that's 55 and never leaves the house. All because my uncle has connections, cool huh?
I'm personally very relieved that my parents are vaccinated since I was really tired of worrying about them. I think there's a strong argument that frontline workers should get it first though. To be honest I think it's fine to be mad at any of this rollout which has been fucking awful. My asshole friend got his already because his daddy's company does manufacturing. He works in the office but still used the situation to get vaccinated. He's the fucking poster boy of white privilege tho so I'm not exactly surprised.
Nurses, doctors, MAs, etc. all got theirs first even before the elderly. I'm not upset about the elderly being prioritized though, because kind of like you, my remaining grandparents are in their seventies and eighties and it has been a relief for me knowing they got their first shot and will soon get their second. But like, I have a friend in his early thirties who has worked from home the entire pandemic (and possibly will continue to work from home after) who will now get his shot a month before me while I am getting pushed back at least two months. That's two more months where I've got to spend five days a week wondering if I'm gonna catch it today and how badly it will fuck my life up.
Ah shit I meant essential not frontline. But yeah I completely feel you. I have another friend who was talking about different ways younger, healthy people like us can get it early. It's basically my choice if I want to leave my home for the foreseeable future. I'm more than happy to just wait it out until people with actual risk get it. I don't understand people who feel differently. Sorry to hear you're getting pushed back. I swear this process is fucking dumb.
Why would you be? The vast majority of people that covid killed were old and they are getting the vaccine first because some actuaries in a room somewhere figured out that's how you minimize deaths.
And thats all they care about. Some boomer's last 1-10 years of their life are more important than the zoomer's loss of taste or the lasting brain damage that will also last for the rest of their lives,
As a 30-40 y/o, yes I think you're right to be pissed that rich assholes who are working from home are ahead of the line.
It is frustrating but more of them have died so it makes sense. However it does still ring of the sentiment of "cannibalizing the young" that has been emblematic of the Neoliberal period of history. You are entitled to your feeling that this is "more of the same shit" that you've been dealing with your entire life. It is accidentally the correct thing to do this time, but hey, it's alright to be frustrated by it.
i wanna know why we're means testing the fuck out a vaccine which everyone needs fucking stat
if they put the assholes in charge of dolling out the fucking things out in the street with the fucking needles we'd maybe have an actual chance of vaccing out the disease before we need another goddamn vacc
I know several PMCs (including my boss) who got vaccinated and haven't left the house since last february. They're fucking proud of it too. They're like, "I did my part". They dont even think about how much privilege they have to get easy access to vaccine doses.
In my state they're vaccinating people 65+ and then moving onto people from 16-65 with medical conditions. I think this is a good approach
As well also targeting essential workers and stuff. I think teachers are also prioritized