I really can't go back to that place. I get extremely close to just up and leaving every day that I'm there, usually within the first two hours of arriving. Yesterday I barely made it half an hour. Fuck the company and fuck the management.

I also have a bartending job where I make way more money in way less time, and while I was hoping to keep working both jobs to save up some money, that is by no means worth what I am doing to my body and overall quality of life.

But I am a good little late capitalist peasant, and even as I write this I start to feel bad for the company and for the management that I despise so much. I just want it to be over, but I don't know how to get out.

All this is to say that I'm about to just stop showing up, and I could use some help quashing the toxic guilt that is welling up inside me. Fuck this job.

It's done. Boss texted me when I didn't show up, and I responded by telling him I'm quitting

    • ennuid [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Excellent, that is really good to know. My boss was mad and texted done nasty shit and like an abuse victim it made me feel guilty again