At the end of the video, Is Bill Gates injecting MICROCHIPS in people?!, Thought Slime gives a shout out to a video, Challenging the Counter-Narrative - Uighur Genocide Denial.

Here is Thought Slime's comment (from 14:04 in his video):

"Who's ready to learn about an ongoing genocide? Shafi Sekalala... has made a fantastic video going over the evidence for the Uyghur genocide in China. As well as addressing the points usually cited to pretend as though it isn't happening or isn't a big deal. Lot of people in the online leftist community go to bat for the CCP's treatments of the Uyghur minority and it's disgusting to see. This video is as concise and to the point as you're going to get on the subject. And if you ever need a handy reference to the apologetics for the CCP's genocide, this will be useful for you."

That video is now privatised. In its place, the creator has uploaded a new video, Footnote about the Xinjiang Video, in which the creator states the following about his first video:

One thing I noticed about a month after I had published it, was that holy shit, do I not know anything.... I felt like it'd be much more honest for me to just make it private and make this footnote.... I feel like I only touched the iceberg when I originally wrote the first video. It was really surface level.... I just felt like having it be out there... especially with my application of the word "genocide" was dishonest of me, especially when I was skeptical of Zenz's at the beginning... Just wanted to be honest and to come out and say I'm not well read on the issue, I'm not an expert, I will refer you to experts because they know much more than me.

On Adrian Zenz, he further elaborates:

Adrian Zenz is a questionable individual. From what I'm aware he doesn't speak Mandarin or, I'm gonna guess, Uyghur, that's the language they speak. So, off the bat, how're you gonna be an expert on something like that?

The article about sterlization I'm very skeptical of... unless any data comes out that affirms his view that there is a sterilization campaign... because I haven't read anything else that goes much deeper into the issue.

He instead directs people to a blog, wokeglobaltimes, for two reasons:

...they've made a very helpful page that directs you to their articles as well as other documents that talk about the issue more extensively...

One article that this blog, wokeglobaltimes, talks about is about Zenz... It sort of reviews his study and his methodology... about this other study he did in which he tried to come up with the argument that... the Chinese government were building detention centers that were militarized and served the purpose of internment. That's the argument he tried to make and he did numerous different surveys and looked at the different bidding for contracts from construction companies and it seems pretty solid.

The article, Breaking Down the Xinjiang Crisis, is the overall page he was referring to, with this one specifically going into the claims about internment centers.

Overall, here are his thoughts of what is going on:

There is definitely a campaign of incarceral violence, police violence, a police state has been set up in Xinjiang, for the purpose of ensuring that separatist movements do not begin to develop there.... If you think it's for the purpose of stopping terrorism, you're delusional.... It's very clearly for the purpose of ensuring that no separatist movements develop. Why? It's monetarily beneficial to the capitalist class of China to have Xinjiang as a region which has lots of resources as well as a gateway out of China for the Belt and Road Initiative which is imperialism.... It's beneficial to have this ethnic minority not really develop any sense of nationalism....There's ample evidence of Islamophobia within party policy, within the law etc., and to say everything is 'happy smiley' is delusional....

I wonder if Thought Slime still stands by his original comment, or if he's similarly changed his stance. I also wonder what people think about the blog and their Xinjiang coverage. From a quick skim, it at least seems a lot more in-depth than the typical liberal or reactionary news sources.

  • ItGoesItGoes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, keep engaging in that mental masturbation. Pathetic.

    I live in China, do you want to know the truth? You are free to visit China or Xinjiang, but no, you choose to base your opinion on trash.

    • protochud [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      if one were to visit china/xinjiang, how would one be able to find "truth"? i get the feeling that if atrocities were being committed, it would be hard to find good sources? or you might get into trouble? would anyone even want to speak?

      i don't subscribe to the uyghur genocide narrative, but if you went to learn for yourself as a westerner, none of your peers would likely believe any of your first hand accounts.

  • quartz [she/her]
    4 years ago

    you think it’s for the purpose of stopping terrorism, you’re delusional… It’s very clearly for the purpose of ensuring that no separatist movements develop


    The "separatist movement" is the ones commuting terrorism, though?? Like the terrorist organization ETIM, that Trump's government just designated 'not terrorists anymore lol' to make it easier to smuggle weapons and funding there. That single terrorist group funded by the USA has committed over 200 attacks in Xinjiang. What's the difference between these fundamentalist "separatists" and the fundamentalist "separatist" reactionaries in the USA? Well, these guys do even more terrorism and random attacks!

    Of course, they're both funded by the American government :possum-mama:

    • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      US Government: We estimate 10,000 Uighurs fought for ISIL in Syria and Iraq with many returning home.

      Chinese Government: We have faced a number of terrorist attacks in the region linked to Islamists and Turkish nationalists

      Americans: There are no terrorists in Xinjiang and this entire project is to brainwash Muslims

  • Nuttula [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    It’s monetarily beneficial to the capitalist class of China to have Xinjiang as a region which has lots of resources as well as a gateway out of China for the Belt and Road Initiative which is imperialism…

    BRI is imperialism because creating a trading network with other third world countries(some of which are under constant military aggression from western imperialist powers) outside of and as an alternative to the main capitalist world economic market is fucking imperialism. The word may as well be removed from the dictionary.

    I guess this Thought Amoeba also thinks China is imperialist in Africa and LA, something something predatory loans. What a waste of time I wish I could forget this single cell organism exists after reading this post, but I wont be able now because his name now reminds me he is a main character of a fucking anime.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        4 years ago

        To be fair they are Non-Binary. Not only men have shitty takes.

      • space_comrade [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Aren't they nonbinary?

        Anyway yeah the only good anarchist youtuber is anarchopac (she goes by Zoe Baker nowadays), the rest is at best meh and at worst vaush.

    • Veegie2600 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      "What, no maaan. Any foreign investment or trade is actually imperialism cause capital export or something? But juche is also bad too, cause its TOO isolationist. Why cant these people just press the communism button? Uhh you know what, here, read this 200 page MLM china-bashing pdf "

  • kundun_i_liked_it [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    woke global times is hilarious and definitely worth reading. I personally think the evidence is clearly there for China detaining up to a million Uyghurs in camps and attempting to rid them of their religion. I also think this detainment is not a good solution to, and is not justified by, Islamist extremism.

    Really people will have to make up their own minds about this. I think the challenge for most leftists is the sheer amount of reading one has to do. All the woke global times articles and links, the ASPI report, that DC think tank report, the Greyzone articles, and Carl Zha podcast episodes are all good, diverse sources to look through.

    • Gkalaitza [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Do you really think there are clear evidence that almost one out of 12 Uyghurs in Xinjiang are detained and brainwashed of their religion?

      We are in 2020 and the CIA is nigh all powerful information and surveillance wise. They can read newspapers from orbit. If the greatest geopolitical foe of the US in the start of a new cold War was having a million minorities in concentration camps indisputable evidence would be everywhere. They wouldn't need to source 90% of shit from zenz and radio Free Asia and the pictures circulatiing in Astroturfed social media as proof wouldn't be grainy satellite photos of random buildings which would later been proven to be schools or photos of prison transfers from 5 years ago.

      Do people really think that something being done on that scale of detention and riding of religion and in this day and age and the state Department wouldn't have terabytes of proof to manufacture consent with

    • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I've been going through their articles. You're right, they're pretty fun. Tankies and despair also hit close to the chest esp. my feelings about Savior States. Like, I need China to be socialist or else there's no hope.

      • carbohydra [des/pair]
        4 years ago

        The liberal democracy is a façade propagated by a corporate, hegemonic media environment and naïvely, or even maliciously, propagated by the likes of pushover social democrats.

        Look at mister fancy pants over here with his accents

        But I also try not to succumb to complete hopelessness; if anything, as meager as the gains of the left have been in the United States in recent years, they are still something—we have a socialist woman in Congress now, what the hell. That's so cool. Think about how cool that is, or you'll get depressed too, and possibly get SLAMmed.

        Unironically doing the woke capitalism bit

        Edit: their grayzone article also gives me serious Snopes vibes. Who has the time to write 4000 words about that stuff

          • carbohydra [des/pair]
            4 years ago

            The Democrats are the graveyard of social movements. The reason they let the Squad in has more to do with using them as ambassadors to the left who can explain that the Dems can't actually change anything, and that's ok, just :vote: harder next time. Four women in congress is functionally the same as four women at Blackrock.

      • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
        4 years ago

        i'm trying to get a bead on this person and they're fuckin' weird. they deride MLs as Stalin-lovers, but also are critical of Xiangyu for having been influenced by Chomsky, whom they describe as an "anticommunist"? Am I misunderstanding something here?

    • quartz [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I don't think there's evidence of China trying to remove the religion of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region. Fundamentalist Islam is incompatible with modern Islam because it is a reactionary movement against it and a larger society of multiculturalism. The fundamentalist sects of religions the world over must be stamped out like the Thule society. These aren't religions themselves, but movements against the rights of your own group and others, right wing surges of anger and dissatisfaction.

      I will say that people are caught in the deradicalization system in a huge dragnet, with little care for how fundamentalist an individual person is. Many of the criteria are bull, too, things that you could be doing either because you recently converted to Islam or joined a fundamentalist org. That's fucked up, but it's also why they have two tiers of the programs, a day school and a night school. People with only circumstantial evidence are sent to the daily thingamajig.

    • Mermadon [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It's a far more understandable reaction than the complete sadistic violence you see from Western countries but yeah, I still think it tends to go overboard.

      There also seems like there may be issues with lower level officials abusing their power and not enough top down pressure/investigations into this that could be the root of some of the more major problems that did happen.

      One of the big issues with these big systems is that it's really difficult to enforce good standards everywhere and you end up with situations where some racist douche volunteers to be in charge and there just isn't any good way to figure it out.

      This happens in other nations too. Hell, that whole ICE sterilization crisis here in the US was actually mainly focused around two privately run centers rather than an agency wide policy at the moment. (Not to pretend that the ICE isn't systemically abusive in other ways, just that wasn't actually one of them).

      So one of the big things that the "China watchers" haven't really fulfilled is showing that these are real systemic problems encouraged by the government and not just some poorly managed asshole who accidently "loses track" of some people that got sold off into human trafficking instead.

      And that's of course, assuming all those accusations are real and not just totally made up which they easily could be considering how little evidence they provide.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Fleeing government violence in Honduras, Mirian came to the U.S. with her young son on Feb. 20, 2018, presenting herself to immigration authorities and asking for asylum. During her interview, Mirian gave the immigration officers her Honduran ID card and several identification documents for her child, including his birth certificate and his hospital birth record, both of which list her as his mother.

    However, once the interview was over, the officers said that they were going to take her son away from her. She repeatedly asked why they couldn’t stay together, but she was not given a reason. The officers then made her carry her 18-month-old child outside where a government car was waiting. As she placed him in the car seat, he began to cry. Without giving her a moment to comfort him or say goodbye, the officers shut the door and drove away.