Reminder to read theory :knifecat:
Marx & Engels Selected Works :blushing-engels: :marx-ok:
-Capital Volume 1 :curious-marx:
-Wage Labor and Capital (kinda like a condensed version of Capital Volume 1 :animarx:
-How to Think Like a Vietnamese Communist by Luna Oi :uncle-ho-2:
-The Wikipedia page :michael-laugh:
Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:
:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:
The Conquest of Bread :ancom:
Remember, sort by new you :LIB:
Yesterday’s megathread:sad-boi:
Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:
THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :Richard-d-wolff:
Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:
Hell Yeah Motherfucker :deng-cowboy: what are you guys up to tonight (or morning :good-morning:)
@lydiaaaaaaa said shes making the megathread for tomorrow so uh yeah :among-drip:
:morshupls: Question of the Day:
What was the first Theory you read?
went into the bathroom of a bar last night and there was a harry potter audiobook playing for some reason
Always a great sign of a properly functioning healthcare system when you have to argue with your doctor to take your symptoms seriously cause they "don't see anything" so they're "unsure why your even in here" :)
I wish all "professionals" who perpetuate medical racism a very good piss blood
The year is 2003. You boot up Tony hawk's underground and since your Xbox lets you do a custom sound track you play "Stacy's Mom" ironically (but not really) on repeat. You don't know it but life doesn't get any better than this.
Nearly every single white evangelical in the US believes on some level that literally everyone who isn't one of them will spend eternity in a state of conscious, physical torment. I have to believe that that belief has to have some very real impact on their political beliefs, and I'm trying to work out exactly what that is. Maybe something along the lines of, if you're able to dehumanize anyone in your group THAT much...
When I was a little kid I went to a Christian church that pushed missionaries really hard.
Like so hard they literally told all the kids at Sunday School to go and be missionaries at their schools. And being autistic, I took it at face value. :sadness-abysmal:
Back when I was an indoctrinated Catholic, the impact of an eternal afterlife was to render the idea of systemic reform on Earth useless. Our lives are infinitesimally short compared to the time we spend in heaven, purgatory, or hell - it's basically just a really tiny testing period that God has set up for us. Why would anyone bother with structural changes to eliminate poverty? The poor present an opportunity for us to emulate Jesus. Some even consider the desire to transform human society to be blasphemous as it indicates you are "worldly" and attempting to bring about heaven on earth before God's time for it.
It really is hilarious when right wingers complain about “neo post modern cultural Marxism” or whatever the fuck. At its core Marxism is just a way of looking at the world, it’s a system of analysis. None of those morons could explain what “dialectical materialism” means to save their life.
If anyone is interested in dialectics, I can’t recommend The Principal Contradiction by Torkil Lauesen enough. It explains the concept really plainly and gives real world examples of how to use that analytical framework. Mao’s On Contradiction is great too, but a bit more abstract.
I listened to most of the Rev Left interview with the guy and kinda left with mixed feelings. I think I had just become disheartened with chapo, and wasn’t in the mood for what sorta seemed like naval gazing. That’s probably not the case, and I should listen again, and perhaps even pick up the book.
But to respond to your chud point, which initially made me reply, was that I’m very much fascinated by the idea that Marx was really concerned with how society reproduces itself; that Marxism is a descendent (and continuation) of a study of the mechanisms by which it does this. Not only is this a hugely “heady” sort of thing to think about, but, by its very nature, it’s intimately connected with each of our lives.
It's heady, sure, but it also changes how you think about things. If you see every action you take as creating and recreating the culture you live in, you start to see sites of struggle everywhere. It's liberatory, really.
One of my favorite little things about this site is nobody cares about spelling/grammar errors. I look back at half my posts and they're almost unreadable but still upvoted
god damn it feels like all the space nerds are such huge musk simps, embarrassing shit
Motherfuckers reacting to bernies musk tweet like musk isn’t using his ridiculous wealth for anything other than shitty vanity projects.
god damn it feels like all the space nerds are such huge musk simps, embarrassing shit
That's because all the non-musk-worshiping space dweebs are just :doomer:
Can confirm, used to be a space dweeb until Musk and the Silicon Bros took over the space, now it just makes me sad and I follow the doctrine of Don't Let Them Leave.
Yeah, I find this argument very compelling; though I've made my contrary opinion known here several times before.
I still think it would be nice if life on earth could go on about it's existence without the interference of the accursed shroom apes, while said shroom apes are busy hurtling their fragile meat bodies through the vast emptiness of space in aluminum tubes.
people who actually study the shit are ambivalent, its only the "Ifuckinglovescience" crowd that are musk simps
I wish we could also abolish the formatting bugs. They really cramp my styl***!***
I wrote out a reply to you but then I realized it made far more sense to make it a thread: The whitespace bug makes me sad*!*
Dear Kanna's boss,
Fuck you, let her go home
Sincerely, Lil_Revolitionary 😘
Small businesses without any internet presence in the year of our lord 2021
Only a Facebook page that has not been updated since early January
I mean yeah, I guess more power to them and obviously they are doing fine without...but y'all really going to make me pick up the phone to find out if your place is open today? Outrageous.
Lol people on twitter saying left twitter would've supported the war in Iraq because 70% of people did back then is so funny. They do realize that implies that almost 1 in 3 people did not support the war in Iraq, and probably a self selected group of left wing people who are vocally anti-war would most likely be a part of that third. Like it's actually an insane reading that a majority opinion is actually the opinion of the whole. Not to mention that support was probably pretty heavily skewed by the media taking every war propagandist seriously, while marginalizing even mildly anti-war voices.
Going to sleep, gotta be up for a 2 hr drive in the morning.
G’night o/
Leave nice replies for me to read tomorrow morning :comfy: