like.. even most irl leftists don't seem to support us, especially outside of america. my dad's a borderline fascist, my mom's an alcoholic, my friends will most likely stop talking to me out of shame, dating is fucking impossible when trans.

why live

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm so sorry you're in that situation. Unfortunately, as an American (like most of us), it's going to be hard for us to give you good specific advice. I hate to say it, but you might be better served by transgender reddit for information (comradeship, as always, is available here!). There is a r/transgenderuk subreddit (brave people there on TERF island! Fuck TERFs). They might be able to direct you to your country's trans subreddit, if there is one.

    Are student housing co-ops a thing where you're going to school? In the US, at least, they tend to be very open minded, and MUCH cheaper than standard housing.