Liberated indigenous nations, city-state federations, regional warlord territories, whatever you think might spring up out of the U.S.' ashes.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    East coast becomes a Byzantine Empire-style successor state,

    northern states after stabilizing petition Canada to be annexed,

    southwestern states see mass enfranchisement of previously undocumented immigrants and new power structures emerge as a result,

    middle states control the nukes, food and water and so become disproportionately influential despite their low populations,

    reservations become independent states which generally allows them to improve their conditions, but lack enough economic or military leverage to influence the other states around them,

    California tries to remodel itself as a Scandinavian-style social democracy but the uber wealthy tech people increase their power relative to the state's government and the original plans for massive social programs are replaced with gulf-style vanity projects,

    Texas tries to remodel itself as a high tech petro state but poor economic planning makes it into North America's Venezuela,

    Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Vigin Islands all become independent micro-states,

    Hawaii inherits a disproportionately large chunk of the US Navy but ends up selling most of the ships as it lacks the manpower and oil reserves to operate them (the main buyers are Japan and South Korea),

    the new military hegemon of the Atlantic becomes the Confederacy, which inherits most of the military community and hardware of the previous superpower, but with most of the FBI/CIA types remaining in the northeast it is unable to effectively repress its African-American population for very long and is eventually taken over by them.

    • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      it is unable to effectively repress its African-American population for very long and is eventually taken over by them

      Hell yeah

    • Soleimani [he/him]
      3 years ago

      southwestern states see mass enfranchisement of previously undocumented immigrants and new power structures emerge as a result,

      More likely, instability, cartel intrusion, and ethnic cleansing causes a mass-exodus.

      middle states control the nukes, food and water and so become disproportionately influential despite their low populations,

      More likely, the removal of agricultural subsidies and continued deindustrialization decimates the region. Neo-Nazi meth cartels and Evangelical cultists rule the region.

      reservations become independent states which generally allows them to improve their conditions, but lack enough economic or military leverage to influence the other states around them,

      Maybe the start down that path, but they'll likely be in conflict with the state governments. Being completely surrounded, they likely won't last long.

      the new military hegemon of the Atlantic becomes the Confederacy, which inherits most of the military community and hardware of the previous superpower, but with most of the FBI/CIA types remaining in the northeast it is unable to effectively repress its African-American population for very long and is eventually taken over by them.

      I'm picturing a New York technocrat allying with the EU and Canada to continue the NATO project, but with a limited scope.

      Neo-Confederacy will see racial tension, but the Black population is a minority in every state. Maybe they'll form isolated rebel communes, but never a recognized government and never over the whole region. Also, it's likely more will move up north.

      You're right about Texas and California. For Hawaii, I think selling the navy outside the US will be controversial. Probably California takes over the Pacific.

  • buh [any]
    3 years ago

    The Constitutional Republic of Blackwater

  • carbohydra [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    Corporate towns spread at an increasing pace, lolberts assassinate each other until only MyPillow remains

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 years ago

    the northeast tries to secede but is occupied by the Canadian military and made into a puppet state. the rust belt becomes a militant socialist state. the south becomes a sort of amalgamation of fascists, theocrats, and radical social democrats that is destined to tear itself to pieces. california and much of the pacific coast becomes a neoliberal hellscape. meanwhile the remaining bits of the U.S., try to remain nominally aligned to the old federal system until becing slowly overrun by the more cohesive states.

  • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    Yes, it's a knock-off of Fallout: New Vegas but I genuinely believe, just based on white supremacist rhetoric, there will be some sort of Roman LARP faction that will lay claim to a "New Rome" and attempt to build a white ethnostate around a mythological version of the Roman Empire.

    Maybe I'm a bit off and it might be more focused on Crusaders and the like. Roaming the "country" looking for vengeance against those who caused the downfall of their great nation.

    Anyway, some sort of historical LARP based on white American mythology surrounding old European cultures.

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don't know what the country will look like but I promise you Florida is gonna be a Q theocracy.

  • tetrabrick [xey/xem, she/her]
    3 years ago

    i always think what are they going to do with the nukes incase of collapse, who gets to controll them or localse them and everything? are the bomb all in the same state or are they in a single building?

    • Bluegrass_Buddhist [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      I read an article a few months back that claimed that the U.S. population was coalescing into a handful of megalopolises. If that's the case, I do wonder how state governments could maintain authority over those cities without the backing of the federal government. Nukes?

  • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The only way America ends is in hell fire.

    After the nuclear strike destroys the corner stone of global capitalism, the aliens reveal themselves and liberate the continent and the world under the leadership of Comrade Communicator of the the Intergalactic Worker's League (IGWL).

    Fully automated luxury gay space communism ensues.

    🐬 :posadist-nuke: :posadas: :trot-shining: