There was one leak after 9 years, they went 9 years without a leak. That’s longer than the Manhattan project. No one working on GTA 6 is taking secret videos and showing to their friends, or leaking it for clout, or trying to sell a beta version of it. Now out of thousands of people, it’s likely that someone working on grand theft auto 6 is a communist or anarchist or what people like to call “a really cool fella”. To that hypothetical far left person in the gta 6 development team who could leak info about this, but chooses not too. I’m asking us fellow communists here to justify reasons for making that person leak gta 6 on ideological grounds. Like if you don’t release gta 6 you are a bad person. Or maybe you should do a bit of industrial sabotage and delete the source code so people can’t have their treats, or maybe you should hang onto the source code so when online rolls out and they add the predatory shark card stuff with real money you can release the source code so cheaters can ruin the economy. I would be absolutely shocked if rockstar isn’t using labor from a poorer country and paying those workers shite and I wouldn’t understand why those people wouldn’t keep quiet about working on gta 6 when they gained nothing for it.

What I’m trying to say is, how the fuck does gta 6 have better opsec than most leftist organizations. It’s like the fucking deathstar up in there, sure there’s like one vent that can blow the entire thing up, but do you know how impressive it is to build something the size of a moon and only require one tiny vent on it? Anyways maybe the Illuminati runs the world.

  • LiberalScratcher [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    What I’m trying to say is, how the fuck does gta 6 have better opsec than most leftist organizations.

    They probably don’t, it’s just the government doesn’t have any reasons to put plants at Rockstar.

  • jaeme
    10 months ago

    Remembering the event when pinkertons were sent after a person who unboxed trading cards when they weren't suppossed to.

    Corporate sanctioned violence against citizens is respected in the US. Corpos will hurt you in any way possible.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Gave Newell once had a German swat team raid a teenager’s house, full auto guns aimed at him, because he stole Half Life 2’s source code lol

      • jaeme
        10 months ago

        "But no, those icky Free software fanatics want to steal our hard work and make everyone poor. We are the adults in the room who really know what's best for the people."

        Software is only as valuable as the amount of profit that can be extracted from it amrite guys???

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    Everyone and their mom knew they were making a GTA 6 though, you didn't need a leak for that. That's like leaking they're in the process of making dough at the bakery

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Yes, but none of the developers leaked any substantial content. They hinted it in other games and accidentally left in assets but other than that, the only insider information revealed was to Schrier and it was about the map size and working conditions of the studio

    10 months ago

    Why would you think it's difficult to keep a secret that big? It happens all the time. Look at all the secrets that have been kept for decades before they were leaked. Then think about how many more there must be that will never be discovered.

    I think leftist organisations make an effort to be open. Keeping secrets would be against their philosophy.

    • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
      10 months ago

      i like that CHAOS strike strategy the airline unions have, you can say exactly what you're going to do and they still can't stop you.

        • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
          10 months ago

          rather than striking every flight they do individual flights arbitrarily and without warning. you maintain some or most income for workers since it's not a full stoppage, and the only counterplay to that is to have a scab crew of attendants ready for every flight. giving raises and better benefits is cheaper than hiring scabs you might not need for every flight, and they're not willing to have flights grounded because they'd lose customers forever.

            • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
              10 months ago

              i think UAW was doing something pretty similar this time, only shutting down some plants and that let them do that baller ass "You Just Lost Kentucky Truck" move

              • ped_xing [he/him]
                10 months ago

                If the charges are there, that just gets the accounts sent to collections. Stopping the charges before they post is difficult due to how intertwined they are with providing care. If you want the lab to test a specimen, you need a label. Printing the label requires that you tell the system what the test is, which drops the charge.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      True but think about journalists and their anonymous insider sources. I imagine it’s harder to leak tangible footage of gameplay due to watermark and software tracing, but the only insider information about the game itself came out years ago, and it was only about how the map will be medium sized

    • GriffithDidNothingWrong [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      What are you talking about? People leak scripts to Marvel movies. There's any number of details about an upcoming Rockstar game that any games journalist would sell a kidney for. That's like saying no one cares about Colleen Hoovers novels because I don't read them

      • peppersky [he/him, any]
        10 months ago

        I mean just the fact that footage of the game actually leaked and basically no one talks about it supports what I've said. There's nothing to be "leaked" in these games because there's nothing to them. At least with marvel movies dumb nerds can go "oh wow this marvel character is in this wow". There's nothing like that in GTA: "Oh wow you can shoot out of cars in this one." doesn't even make for a good clickbait headline. "Oh wow the map in this is somewhat bigger than the map in their previous games." Really exciting stuff. "You play as a gangster and there's satire." just wow

        • GriffithDidNothingWrong [comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          The leak was huge news when it happened two months ago. Rockstars tweet of the trailer next month has 100 million views. I get that you don't like it but OPs question was about how the development staff has hid so many details and your reply that its because people don't care is blatantly, obviously wrong

  • mechwarrior2 [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Wasn't there some leaked beta gameplay video with a woman player character ? biden-rember

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Yes, but it wasn’t leaked by the studio. Although there are theories that it was and that it was free publicity

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    10 months ago

    Most of that time they probably only had a skeleton crew plotting things out or iterating on specific systems they wanted. Some writers laying out the script, that sort of thing. I would be genuinely surprised if there were more than a few dozen people involved before RDR2 was released and they started reorienting towards actually getting GTA6's development under way.

    I would be absolutely shocked if rockstar isn’t using labor from a poorer country and paying those workers shite

    Game devs are paid shit for the work they do already, and there are tons of potential devs in need of work so its comparatively easy to scale up a studio as long as its in the right place. Outsourcing is a function of big capitalists chasing larger labor pools and later of small capitalists trying to tag along onto already established pipelines to get the cheapest work they can. With gamedev you mostly just get the latter, with small outfits hiring a couple of contractors to do asset flips for next to nothing in the hope of scamming out some quick cash, but the big capitalists in the industry have all the easily exploitable highly skilled labor they could ask for right at home where there's no language barrier or time zone issues and their executives can be on site and having fun tormenting their employees personally.

    • peppersky [he/him, any]
      10 months ago

      Game devs are paid shit for the work they do already, and there are tons of potential devs in need of work so its comparatively easy to scale up a studio as long as its in the right place. Outsourcing is a function of big capitalists chasing larger labor pools and later of small capitalists trying to tag along onto already established pipelines to get the cheapest work they can. With gamedev you mostly just get the latter, with small outfits hiring a couple of contractors to do asset flips for next to nothing in the hope of scamming out some quick cash, but the big capitalists in the industry have all the easily exploitable highly skilled labor they could ask for right at home where there's no language barrier or time zone issues and their executives can be on site and having fun tormenting their employees personally.

      sorry, but this is complete and obvious fucking bullshit. watch any of the credits of big triple A games and you'll find at least a handful of outsourced art studios situated somewhere in the southern hemisphere. RDR 2 alone has these 4 listed: "Technicolor", "Original Force", "3Lateral", "Mineloader Software" although that is still fairly few for a game that size. I'd be shocked if GTA VI won't have double that, if not much more.

      Also just look at those websites. Some of these outsourcing studios have worked on basically every big game made from the last ten years or so. The only reason japanese studios have started to become competitive with the west again after the seventh gen is because all these outsourcing studios started popping up in singapore and china and india right next to their doorstep. That's also why we see so many remakes. Just have a tiny internal team coordinate the work and have everything else be outsourced. The Last Of Us Remake has 11 fucking "support" studios listed in their credits.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    Valve also avoids a lot of leaks. Most of it just comes from data mined assets that were pushed onto existing games but otherwise no word. Same with Japanese companies.

    I think it’s just a cultural thing.