It might also be just this stupid: Biden is pushing the line that you can keep wearing a mask or you can get vaccinated.
The dumbest possible vaccination push.
Americans: Im not going to wear a mask or get vaccinated
Biden: :shocked-pikachu:
I say it a lot, but I fucking hate Joe Biden and the system that empowers dottering fools like him.
I was hoping (silly fucking me) that they would try and hold on to something like "80% vaccinated or mask requirements stay in place" to get the numbers up, but I guess that card is already out on the table waaaayy too early.
Already seeing the effects of this bullshit up in Canada too. gas station clerk was maskless today even though we’ve only hit like 40% first dose vaccinations in Canada, almost no 2nd dose.
This is one of those jobs that immediately struck me as a 24/7 typhoid mary. Most people going into a convenience store are rushing in after touching unsanitised common surfaces at the pump. They're from many different areas and some are breaking quarantine at one of the stops they have to make. Lots of cash exchange, rushed bathroom visits, and impulse buys that someone puts back after touching. The clerks are so devalued that they don't care. Just a perfect storm of things that make me wary of supermarkets in a condensed form.
In the Rockies you've got major interstates running alongside and through the mountains as well as isolated mountain communities that have to drive an hour or more to the nearest real hospital. I've seen mask-free gas stations along those interstates in/next to cities with major outbreaks. At one point I drove an hour and a half through a canyon that's semi-inaccessible for half the year to get to a town outdoorsmen frequent. Zero masks at either of the gas stations or the grocery, chuds flowing in by the hundreds and having illegal mass gatherings nearby before meeting in town.
I wonder if I'd be driven crazy faster as an epidemiologist or a climate scientist.
Most vaccines vary from 65% to 95% effective depending on how many doses are required and the variant of Covid 19 a person contracted. However the vaccines so far are 100% effective at stoping death or very serious illness.
The vaccine isn't 100% effective. I think most of the ones on offer here have like at least 80-90+% efficacy with two doses, but that's not perfect.
You'll get it, but if you're vaccinated your body should neutralize it pretty quickly and you probably won't notice. From what I understand, If you're constantly being tested for it, like a celebrity, you might test positive for it in that period.
I personally know someone who caught COVID two weeks after getting the (J&J) vaccine. Its a thing. Vaccine is supposed to prevent severe symptoms though. Mild symptoms so far.
I don’t believe the CDC was wrong about masks: they knew that it was the primary form of PPE for healthcare workers from the beginning. They chose to lie because they didn’t want to cause a panic.
They chose to lie because they didn’t want to cause a panic.
Which is in its own kinda dumb, because it really operates on very outdated and dumb ideas about managing public disasters.
Americans stockpiled fucking gasoline just because some edgerunners decided to hack a pipeline. They absolutely would have made a mask shortage
Masks were already sold out virtually everywhere by the time they made that dumb ass statement.
I do find it odd to go on Reddit or anywhere else and find people talking about the CDC Guidelines as though they mean fuck-all.
In summary, high SARS-CoV-2 incidence rates act to increase the vaccine escape risk. Maintaining low case numbers using NPIs and vaccines is crucial at this time.
wait not that science :biden-troll:
You can easily spot on a stock chart when the mask mandate was abandoned. Day before? Line go down. Day after? Line go up. I think they've been saving this as an emergency measure for when the markets needed a boost. Pretty concerning that theyre trying this already, the line must be incredibly fragile right now
Well they keep using all their little tricks and boosts to keep it alive, and since they never do anything to actually structurally stabilize it (even from a liberal perspective, like resetting interest rates to where they were pre '08), they're simply running out of tools. They always seem to find something though, so we could be here in this fake economy for another decade.
dude they were literally doing donation drives where people brought in spare n95s from their houses and shit
CDC were wrong about masks to start with. Continued to push a terrible droplet theory up until a couple of weeks ago.
What are you talking about, they've been talking about masks for months now
They told people masks were unnecessary when covid got to the US, which contributed significantly to the early spread
There was a lot of stuff like that during the first month or two, not only in the US. Downplaying the importance of masks was widespread during the first months, when in a lot of places, masking up for most people meant pulling a knitted shawl up above your nose. Remember, that was the time when people stockpiled toilet paper and hand soap, and also a time when there was still a ton of speculation about what we were dealing with and how to best handle it. It wouldn't surprise me if some governments deliberately downplayed the role of proper masks in the prevention of aerosol formation just to cover up their own failure to secure essential medical supplies.
That's exactly the motive: PPE supplies were limited so they ran a public health disinformation campaign.
And now the CDC is spreading another recommendation contrary to the most basic public health policy analysis.
Terrible supply chain, or incredible supply chain that is 100% based on just -on-time and forecasting, and has no flexibility?
Covid has shown that the current way of things is so fucking fragile that chunks of the world economy start to go crazy from a boat going sideways. We are basically 3 days from collapse all the time.
And it bred skepticism of public health authorities - who were absolutely misleading the public during a global pandemic.
It's not exactly misleading if you don't know you are wrong yourself. There were a number of things which they got wrong early on, like the fomite thing. Fomites were big, until they found out they were not very important for spreading the virus at all.
It is misleading to spread the impression that "there's no reason to think masks work" for an extremely contagious respiratory virus a la SARS.
These people are not idiots. This is respiratory disease 101 and the obvious PSA to provide us "wear a mask until we know what's going on, ideally N95".
They were likely spreading this disinformation because of PPE shortages.
Again, if they were spreading it because of PPE shortages, why couldn't they just say "we need to ration PPE" and leave it at that?
Because they don't have that power. They can only give public health guidance and do studies.
Feds were already buying up PPE / diverting it internationally from people who had already purchased it and were going with a denial strategy. Doctors and nurses were coming up with elaborate protocols for reusing PPE because they didn't have enough.
Getting the early stages of a pandemic response right is insanely important, and they continued to back the droplet theory after they started recommending the use of masks
Yes, like more than a year ago. And your post said a couple of weeks ago.
Like why are you just talking about the US, the same thing happened everywhere.
The CDC was wrong about masks during the start of the pandemic because pretty much the entire world was and they weren't sure how to deal with the novel virus. What I don't understand is how it follows that they're definitely wrong about everything. And, like, it wasn't a couple of weeks ago, it's been months since they started recommending masks worldwide.
counterpoint; Im vaccinated and miss being a human being. you wanna stay inside forever and go nuts that’s your prerogative
You sound identical to your average chud off the street. Fix your shit.
You can still spread it even if you're fully vaccinated
Can you elaborate on the droplet theory bit? I was unaware that it has been supplanted by something else
But I did always find that whole "neck gaiters spread the virus more" thing to be bullshit
I'm not a scientist or medical professional, but from my lay understanding it is more likely that Covid is spread by aerosols, which means that it hangs in the air, and the longer an infected person sits in a room, the more that room will be filled with Covid since they exhale more and more into the room the longer they sit there.
I haven't kept up on the debate too much and I wasn't even aware the CDC had dropped the droplet theory, but the droplet theory as I understand it was Covid traveled in exhaled water droplets which could be large or small. So of course a symptomatic person, who is coughing, will spread Covid more than an uninfected person who is not coughing and therefore exhaling smaller and less water droplets. The water droplets can hang suspended in the air for a couple hours, the smaller they are the longer they hang in the air. However they are not able to travel super far, and they will ultimately fall down to earth at some point. What this would mean is that touching infected surfaces could spread covid, as the droplets fall back to earth onto a door handle for instance, someone touches the door handle and then touches their face or something, it spreads to them. This theory is why you see some people wearing those latex gloves. My mom and I still wipe down our groceries since that was an early precaution and we can't really get out of the habit.
Now I guess the CDC accepts the aerosol theory, however many scientists have been pushing this theory as the correct one since at least like late March 2020 - the Skagit Valley Choir case was a big case study I've seen referenced. I don't really know the specifics of the aerosol theory since as I say I'm not a scientist or anything, but what it would suggest is that many of the precautions we have taken thus far - gloves, those clear barricades in school - are useless. Surfaces shouldn't be completely ruled out for possible spreading, but it is not the main way that the virus spreads. And those clear barricades are useless since air can just go around them. If a room fills up enough with infected air they offer no protection. Masks are of course still important, especially N95 or KN95 or stronger masks. This theory would also suggest that another important precaution would be improving indoor ventilation - which I don't think most places are concerned about. In the school I work at we open the windows and leave the doors to the hall open, but that's really it.
I think the reason many scientists favor this theory over others is because the spread in many cases studies such as the Skagit Valley one I mentioned is more like what you would see if it did spread by aerosols and the indoor air itself was infected, whereas if it was spread by droplets you'd see the people closer to patient zero more likely to be infected, and those farther away unaffected. That's not what people are seeing. I believe there was also a Chinese bus study that suggested it spread by aerosols?
I thought this was clear last year, and it's been my personal working theory since last May. I didn't realize it was still being debated.
I don't know how much of the "debate" is actually a debate as opposed to a bunch of ghouls pushing droplet theory against general scientific consensus
haven't read the whole thing but this seems to be the article