lol ,.. soooo ... you might just be her "my black friend doesnt mind ,therefore i am not racist"
Why would you ever be friends with someone like that? I would not be friends with anyone my age who thinks like this and I'm white.
I would comment more about how what this ex friend is saying throughout their post is complete nonsense, but I'm sure you know that already and this is the POC community so I'll shut up in accordance with rule 2, and you'll get a better perspective from fellow POC users.
white trans ex friend*
Judging by the conversation she never stopped being white
im "being held back by thinking of everything through race. for context this girl has made being a transwomen a huge part of her personality, constantly complaining about the cis (hell yeah) she talks about being a transwomen and autistic every conversation and i think thats awesome and cool. but apparently i cant talk about being black or a communist.
she went from to in 5 secs flat. RIP. Don't try to salvage it imo. She said she was sorry for being racist, but apparently she wasn't really.
my bad, i meant it grammatically like "that one over there" rather than gender. I said she at the beginning. (not to excuse my mistake, just saying it wasn't deliberate) fixed.
i feel like this is a thing with white queers in general, especcialy if they had a “conservative phase”
Wholly agreed. As soon as they hear a label they don't like, all of a sudden, it becomes 'reductive', you're just 'playing a card' to them, you got 'too radical'. There's a reason I stopped fucking with white queers in general, and a lot of it has to do with the way so many of them glommed onto "all lives matter" as a response when BLM was first starting to rev its engine-- your ex-friend smacks of the same kind of reflexive anti-blackness that seems to thread its way entirely through the queer community.
All I know is the moment someone tries to tell me to not live in the Blackness I'm only just now finding as a result of one of those type of aspirant 10-percenter upbringings, that's the moment I cut the mf off like a rotting bough; with an exact receipt for why.
lmao fuck 'em. I'm with Othello; soon as I got rid of the crackers, my peace of mind, ability to sleep undisturbed, and ability to look at myself in the mirror without seeing a sold-out minstrel in the reflection all increased tenfold.
Did you ask her what the other PoC communist's contact info is? Sounds like a good person to know.
unironically have seen quite a few fellow white trans women doing this shit and then claiming that if you criticise them for it you;re transphobic, they fucking suck ngl
i feel like this is a thing with white queers in general, especially if they had a "conservative phase"
Pinkwashing (which really is just whitewashing but for queers) has done wonders in preventing intersectionality in predominantly white queer communities. It manifests in different levels and is probably just due to USonian propaganda of white civility being ingrained in all aspects of white establishment society.
FURTHER CONTEXT one of the reason we originally stopped being friends was in part because she tried to tell me not too identify as black because "were just people labels are reductive"
Oh nah, she sucks, giving off real "why are you a muslim if you're gay?" vibes. Intersectionality only for me but not for thee.
Don't worry the rest of the trans women will convert her and scrub her neurons eventually how long has she been transitioned? That's usually a factor
Does also help to remember liberals are an extreme minority in the trans community
Give her a couple of extra years maybe 🤔 gotta build up discriminatory experiences
Yeah that has nothing to do with gender or sexuality and has everything to do with western white programming, especially the “racism is over so don’t stir the pot” feelgood bullshit they strain through the libs.
Your friend doesn’t sound like an intentional agitator though, maybe see if you can lead the convo through the logical shortcomings without sounding preachy or irritated? The lessons best learned are the ones learned from within; perhaps she just needs to be lead there? 🤷♂️ idk I’m just an internet moron lol
"being held back by thinking of everything through race."
White libs when they say this, or any kind of variation on "Oh, iDeNtITy PoLiTiCs distract from the REAL ISSUES!!!!!" type shit. Absolutely insufferable.
I do wonder what her takes on being trans or neurodiverse are, if she can be this awful to you on this subject...
White libs when they say this, or any kind of variation on "Oh, iDeNtITy PoLiTiCs distract from the REAL ISSUES!!!!!" type shit. Absolutely insufferable.
They think this because they believe racism was solved when Obama became president and that it only remains an issue due to fabricated grievances from whiny minorities.
“Oh, iDeNtITy PoLiTiCs distract from the REAL ISSUES!!!”
I feel like this quote is the liberal flavor of "class war only, we don't have a race issue
even though there's not a single DROP of melanin in our leadership, speakership, or planning committees".
She didn't change, and your friendship with her now will likely take the same shape as it did in high school.