• Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I had very low expectations for Biden upon his election, I was kind of hopefuly he would just not really do anything either way, but I admit I did not expect him to so enthusiastically throw himself into the worst President in US history competition.

    He has some very stiff competition, but he is really giving it his all.

    • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      In terms of pure hatred, probably. Reagan had a lot of people who actually really liked him. Not for good reason, but they did.

      There's a small demographic of batshit cultists who do legitimately like Biden, but I have to imagine that number is much smaller than people who liked Reagan. Mostly it's people who either are scared of Trump (as per design) or just vote for whoever the blue guy is to begin with.

      • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        At least Reagan stood for something. People who agree with what he stood for will like him for that and many others will respect him for it. They'd all be wrong, but that's irrelevant.

        What does Biden stand for? Not being Trump or a woman? It won't stop lib-libs voting for him again but they shouldn't wonder why mass murderer masquerading as a bland slice of under-toasted, really thin sliced-bread is detested by most right-thinking and right-wing people alike.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    In American history? Not even close.

    James Buchanan was so god awful as a person and a president, that his actions and inaction directly lead to the American Civil War and the rise of an armed Confederacy.

    He is one of the 4 US presidents so bad that they only served one term, and he was despised by both sides of the isle for his absolute disaster of a presidency. The United States actively regressed under his 4 year tenure.

  • Anon6317 [we/us]@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    I want my election choice in 2024 to be Omar vs. Tlaib. But instead, it's Biden vs. Trump... and sitting this one out is still choosing.

    • SadArtemis@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      Careful if you play that game- I imagine for many people, not without considerable reason, Trump is by far the lesser evil. Biden literally seems to be the "smash and burn, and accelerate towards WW3" candidate- and for all Trump's bigotry and proto-fascism (issues for domestic policy, and for minorities- saying that as someone who's trans and Asian- ethnic Chinese myself), and how pro-Israel he is (not like he could feasibly do more harm than Biden in that regard)- I'd argue he's the saner, more capable candidate (not a high bar at all).

      If someone wanted the US to continue existing as a country with some semblance of prosperity in the future (I don't)- honestly, they should probably pick Trump. He at least seems to be a genuine nationalist, and someone who can imagine gradually withdrawing from the empire. Biden and the neolibs/neocons are either wholly and irredeemably deranged, or (more likely/more often) corrupt beyond even Trump's measure, and stuffing their pockets (and that of the MIC), and gambling on maintaining their "thousand year reich" with all intent to flee to New Zealand or the Caribbean when and if everything goes to hell.

      • Anon6317 [we/us]@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        And who was the first US President to stand on a union picket line? Only ten minutes... but still. Would you rather vote for the semi-proworker candidate, or the clearly pro billionaire boss man candidate?

      • Anon6317 [we/us]@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        True I suppose... I'd much rather be door knocking and voting for someone in the squad. But what candidate / party wants to repeal voting rights, which candidate is middle-out versus golden shower trickle down, what VP forced Obama to support LGBTQ in the military, which candidate is for reproductive freedom, which one is for student loan forgiveness, which one got infrastructure done and the CHIPS act pushed through, and which one not only accepts global warming and vaccine science but got the strongest climate protection on the planet passed. It's not the lesser of two evils, it's a half-progresive / half-neoliberal with many questionable policies... against a narcissistic christo-nationalist fascist alleged billionaire who tried to undermine the Constitution and who would simply love it if the youth, the minorities, the socialists would sit this election out.

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          9 months ago

          I can understand voting as damage reduction but actually canvassing? For someone who isn't damage reduction and so doesn't deserve a vote under that catchphrase, either?

          How have student loan forgiveness and reproductive freedom gone under the blue team?

          Minorities? What about Muslims and/or Palestinians.

          The constitution? Is that what they're building in Cop City?

          Watching the US decline is going to be entertaining. All Biden had to do was be less horrific than Trump. Apparently neither he nor his advisors could figure out how to make that work.