The invading Russian forces have basically failed their first goal; to fully take over Ukraine.
...When has Russia ever claimed this?
I absolutely love it how mad libs get when you ask them for a source for these sorts of claims, then proceed to tell you that Russia lies and they wouldn't tell you what they actually wanted. At which point I'm curious how they know with such certainty what Russians wanted. It's just such an incoherent argument.
The final Russian goal is the occupation of Lisbon.
Source: Secret Russian documents obtained by Ukrainian hackers (no you can't see them).
My dog ate the documents so you can't see them anymore. No you cannot ask the spy who got them, she goes to another school.
Miraculously, the documents were unchanged after being eaten by the dog because they were dogshit to begin with.
Pre-invasion: Putin Laments Soviet Breakup As Demise Of 'Historical Russia,' Amid Ukraine Fears
I don't think he literally wants the USSR 2.0,.but he yearns to recreate the losition of power Russia enjoyed on the world stage as a consequemce of that formation.
Referencing 200 year old history in a random speech is not a war goal any more than a random Ukrainian with an American flag and a history book talking about the American independence war is actualy inspiration for Ukraine's stand against Russia.
“There is no state in between. A country is either sovereign or a colony,” he said.
Where is the lie? He is absolutely correct here, not because he is a Marxist or understands imperialism lol, he just stumbles upon the correct take because it is absolutely obvious to every global south country. Ukraine is not a sovereign country under any measure. Certainly without western help during this war it wouldn't even be a country anymore amid total economic and social collapse.
It's so uncomfortable having to engage with liberals in my daily life when I see how vitriolic they act online about the most obvious thing in the world- Ukraine is losing, badly.
I expect that we'll see libs acting increasingly more unhinged as it becomes increasingly clear that project Ukraine is collapsing. They've become deeply emotionally invested in this as the one righteous war they can feel good about, and now the rug is being pulled out from under them.
Jesus christ, i thought this people have already accepted reality. Ukraine is literally hopping on one foot with three toes and these bastsrds think theyre winning.
They’ve defined victory as Russia occupying Lviv and anything less than that means Ukraine is winning.
News about recruitment issues and women in the trenches doesn’t reach their feed or if it does it’s a victory for feminism.
Oh who would have guessed we would live to see the same copium that was used for the Winter War's outcome, all over again.
They've never accepted reality anywhere else- in foreign affairs or the steady decline in material conditions for the masses at home. No reason to think they would start accepting it now. I really look forward to the times ahead, when their despicable world shatters around them, though.
Ukraine has had 20% of its territory occupied uncontested for 2 straight years, and said territory formally annexed into Russia with little (if any) pushback from the local population.
Here’s why that means Ukraine is winning:
At the rate things are going, Ukraine winning will soon be redefined as Zelensky having a government in exile in Miami.
Him and Guaidó could do an itinerant stand-up show in a few years
Make them an opener to those Shen Yun freaks or something
Podcast idea: Zelensky, Guaidó, and Bolsanaro getting mad about politics. We call it True Presidents. It's hosted in Miami, so it's only a short private flight for Friend of the Show Donald Trump to guest star in some episodes.
Free and democratic Ukraine, democracy is where you don't have elections and ban political parties yeah?
"Democratic" fills the same niche these days that "Christian" filled in the days of the European colonial empires. Anyone who wasn't nominally Christian was automatically evil and had no rights. Anyone who was deemed nominally Christian was to be supported against non-Christiams, even if they were doing decidedly un-Christ-like things like stealing, raping, and murdering.
It's just a thin veneer of in-group/out-group distinctions applied to politically expedient bad things to make them look justifiable.
We have to bring civilization to those savages!
We have to bring democracy to those terrorists!
But don't you see: all the banned parties are putlerist, so banning them was actually good for democracy!
And you pass a law requiring all media to be organized under a state entity and you pass another law to criminalize any news that paints Russia in a positive light and then enforce this law to target journalists who report on Russian victories.
This is what democracy looks like.
This was my fav comment in the the thread hands down. Turns out all NATO had to do was to fly 200 F35s in and that would be the end of Russian army 😂
Because lobbing shells at eachother is Soviet doctrine, not NATO. NATO doctrine is to bomb the everloving shit out of someone with massive air superiority. If NATO decided to send 200 F35s to Ukraine, there would be no need to more 155mm shells.
And because it’s not doctrine, nobody really wants to build more artillery factories that will sell great now, and get mothballed in 5 years. If Russia steps into NATO territory, those factories will sprout like mushrooms, but it’s simply a bad business decision to do so now.
To say these people lack materialism is quite an understatement, they're just utterly delusional.
NATO doctrine is to bomb the everloving shit out of someone with massive air superiority
"NATO doctrine is to win", lmao
NATO doctrine is to attack small countries that don't possess modern weapons or air defence, so yeah technically that's a true statement.
Remember; these people think killing a population until nothing is left is how you win.
"We're not doing the thing that works, because that's soviet badthink. We're not going to adapt any industrial capacity towards doing the thing that works, because that's not how we do things. We're not going to change the way we do things because that's not what makes the most money. We are very intelligent and winning the war against the Russian hordes".
It's pretty funny how it's basically exact same wunderwaffe mentality the nazis had in WW2, nothing changed
Ask them about the production ability of planes and weapons for them. 200 F-35 is little below of 1/4th of entire amount ever produced and probably around half of currently operative ones.
If US actually did that it would be the incredible blunder for them, those losses would left US Air Force crippled for years.
I would bet money that US does not have the logistics capability to actually field 200 F35s right now. And I also think that it's extremely likely that the first time it engages Russian air defences, it'll go down in flames. There's a reason US and Israel don't want to operate them anywhere close to Russian air defences in Syria.
only if the F35 is more dangerous to the enemy than it is to the pilots. which is not clear to me.
losing half their F35s could actually improve the US air force...
Okay, I’m not a military/weapons expert or even an enthusiast but does Russia not have their own air defence which would include aircrafts like the F35? I’m just trying to understand the thought process here. Does Russian air defence just suck or is that an assumption they’re making? On every other front they’re doing well, but air is their weakness? It just seems kind of unlikely, but again, I don’t really know much about this stuff…
In fact, Russia has some of the best air defence around. The west focused on trying to achieve air superiority through stealth during the Cold War, while USSR instead focused on air defence systems. Today, it's generally acknowledged that Russia has some of the best air defence systems in the world, and many of these don't have any western equivalents
So if Russia’s air defence is top notch, what makes F35s so special?
Liberal brain flatness. F-35 program cost is absolutely astronomical, but when liberal hear of it, the pavlov reaction kicks in, and the only conclusions he can get from that is "wow, if it cost 10 times more than Russian fighter, it is surely 10 times better" instead of what even he knows on a daily basis, that in his corrupted country there is nothing more corrupted than MIC.
So it’s the good ol’ “expensive means good” philosophy. Cool. Love how that’s just what people are running with nowadays, seems very stable.
It’s been carefully designed by extremely talented engineers to ensure parts are sourced from all major players in the MIC.
By all accounts, the RF's air defense network is really fucking good, because they've had like 60 years to adapt to the NATO strategy of sending a million bombers to level a place and counting on the enemy being too poor the intercept them.
Although even then, the Viet Minh sometimes managed to shoot down US planes just with massed rifle fire
Well it’s nice to know that its the exact opposite of what is being stated. You’d think if it was that easy they’d send planes over by now but clearly that wouldn’t bode well for NATO…
I personally think that's why Ukraine hasn't been given F35s, because the US knows it would be a pr disaster for it's highly publicized, peer combat-untested 80 million dollar wunderwaffe to eat an S-3000 missile that 'only' cost a million to make.
also, if russian federation could salvage it and study more efficient ways to combat then, so us would be forced to retrofit lots of units
A big part of the lib's understanding of the world is built upon the idea that they are the "clever hero" who will come up with a brilliant strategy that their enemy will never see coming. This is the baseline, regardless of how "brilliant" their idea actually is. So if their idea is "what if planes?" Then the bad guy will never suspect they would ever use a vehicle that has been used in wars for over a century, and will be completely blindsided by the brilliance of NATO bombers. Russian air defence is literally a non-factor in their armchair generalling.
christ the way these people speak is how a warmonger in civilization vi speaks
turns out that a lot of libs are as cartoonishly evil as they are stupid
Because lobbing shells at eachother is Soviet doctrine, not NATO. NATO doctrine is to bomb the everloving shit out of someone with massive air superiority. If NATO decided to send 200 F35s to Ukraine, there would be no need to more 155mm shells.
First of all, it is hilarious that they think bombing the shit out of someone is something the good guy does. Secondly, they really just don't comprehend that Russia can just shoot back if that happens.
The whole proxy war was basically premised on the idea that Russian military would immediately crumble when faced with superior western technology.
I really wish the world the liberals invented was reality. A world of simplistic good vs evil, a world where the "hard working" prosper and the people suffering actually deserve it. Their fictional world is borderline utopic in a sense. I guess that's why they fight so hard against reality. They're insistent that if they just believe in utopia enough, it will manifest all on its own.
It's such an infantile world view, it's like these people just never matured intellectually to be able to comprehend that the world isn't just black and white.
The liberal baby-brain is able to grapple with only one thing at a time. Now that they are critical of the war from the point of view of vulgar pacifism, you get reductive answers like "arms dealers" which completely disregards the Western self-imposed imperative to pressure and balkanise Russia. Not even gonna mention the racist epithets being tossed around willy nilly there lmao.
as a comrade said, zelensky should by now move to miami and create little ukraine and make a thematic park where people pay big bucks to emulate the invansion of russia and putin assassination. not only he would get out alive, also very rich
I mean his wife knows the gig is up and keeps saying how it's time to bail now.
I think he's currently scoping out his own usefulness as a Dalai Lama type leader in exile. Otherwise there's really no point in him cancelling elections.
i stand with my point about the theme park, zelensky would live as sort of mickey mouse for fascists
as for he could've argue and stand ground that elections aren't possible because the country is at war, but he said the quiet part out loud that wouldn't do elections because certain conditions were not met, meaning he would lose.
i think he is scoping out his own live by continuing this war, he will either get disposed by nato or by his opposition in the country
I think he would live in perpetual fear that if he fled, neo-nazis would view this as him "betraying the cause" and would try to kill him. That's the only reason I can think of for why he hasn't fled yet.
Speaking of “little Ukraine” we actually have something like where I’m at, sort of (not in my exact location but near by). I’ve visited it before, it’s like a historic site thing where you walk through different time periods and people in costumes pretend like they’re from there.
Ukraine is slaughtering the meat waves of Russian hordes 20:1 for every meter they take, we only need more funding to secure their collapse!
Racism, Enemy-at-the-gates historiography & BluMAGA style 'trust the plan' all rolled into one.
Someone in the thread reccomended Timothy Snyder as a source
Even wikipedia cant hide how much of a hack this guy is;
Critical reception
The book began to excite controversy as soon as it was published.[1] It received a mixed review by historian Richard J. Evans in The Guardian.[3] Political commentator Helen Andrews writing in First Things gave it a mostly negative review.[4]
Omer Bartov wrote that "the book presents no new evidence and makes no new arguments",[28] and in a highly critical review Richard Evans wrote that, because of its lack of causal argument, "Snyder's book is of no use", and that Snyder "hasn't really mastered the voluminous literature on Hitler's Germany", which "leads him into error in a number of places" regarding the politics of Nazi Germany
I find seeing the sources these people use to build their world view is always very illustrative.
and as usual people who peddle this shit are universally panned in academic circles and signal boosted by pseudo-intulectual liberals who are NATO and US alligned.
Double genocide theory and Nazi apologia: name a more iconic duo.
Liberals will never catch up to reality or morality. We don't have time for them to do that because they will always be too slow for the current conflict or genocide to have any impact. We have to move past them. They will never be on the same page. There is no amount of informing them or appealing to their humanity that will work.
no one is "winning" truly in that war imo, but we can infer that russia has the advantage, given that US is too busy with shilling israel to not losing the only place in far east that don't see america as an mortal enemy
Geopolitical Economic Report (formerly Multipolarista) has a great new report on how the USA meddled in early 2022 to put an end to a Peace Deal. Russia supported it and it got tanked by US