Describes a world compatible with anarchism: this is tankie world to me
lmfao how stupid can you be, when you start out in film nearly everything is unpaid work. its expected lol. basically all student films and also a ton of indies heavily rely on mfers doing shit for free
Artists, famously driven by profit motive into extremely lucrative careers like poetry.
Pretty much true of all creative industries. They all have a concept of “paying your dues” where you get exploited to shit until you finally get enough experience/meet a person willing to give you a paid gig
yeah its kind of built in. people tend to brag about how much shit they went through for a production, as a badge of honor of sorts. there is a HEAVY implementation of "it isnt art unless you suffered for it" in the film industry in general. it fuckin sucks lol.
Pro audio is like that too. “Oh you think thats bad, back in my intern days I had to set up a whole line array system at 5 am by myself, run the monitors and be at the studio to edit that night after mowing the lawns, and they didn’t pay me a cent!”
Like there’s some serious patterns of abuse in the industry, “well i was treated this way so the next gen needs to be too.”
Oh hey I'm a field audio guy lol. as kind of a side note, its fucked up how people manage to never give a shit about audio or have any patience for it lol like cmon its crazy important. its also stressful because the only person reviewing the audio is me. at least camera has like 40 fuckin people looking at it to make sure its cool.
Back on topic though, yeah it is exactly like that. "I suffered through it, so you have to as well" its fuckin dumb lol. I fortunately only had to go through that when i was a PA/Key PA on sets. Nobody really does field audio so i was always the only one doin that shit on indies
Oh god yeah, audio is always the first place they make the cuts on budget and it’s baffling to me. Bad audio can take something down in terms of quality so fast. It doesn’t matter if it’s shot in beautiful 8k on a 6 figure red camera, if the audio is all fucked the whole thing feels amateur all of a sudden.
We just did the mixing for a movie going to Netflix and the audio Is traaaaash. Thank god for modern tools like rx8.
God i hate working on Post sound so much, i feel bad for yall lol im so happy when i just hurl an SD card at DIT and im like LOL NOT MY PROB.
Yeah its wild how little anyone cares about it, and like you said, its VERY noticeable and as soon as you hear extremely poor audio its painful, yet it is constantly sidelined and ignored throughout production. So many times i'll be like "uhh yeah that last one was rough, i think the lav mic is brushing up on something" and director is like "ITS FINE WE GOTTA MOVE ON". weird as hell lol
i just hurl an SD card at DIT and im like LOL NOT MY PROB.
Lmao. Similarly I think live sound engineers feel that way about ending the job at the end of the night where as we have to keep dealing with the artists for days/weeks/months lol
The fuckin movie I’m talking about filmed a scene where the protagonist gets in a car and a FUCKING AIRPLANE FLIES OVER HEAD. loudly. like a fucking airplane would. and I have to assume some field audio guy was just like “we’re not gonna-“ only to be cut off and told to move ahead by the director lol we spent a half day just trying to solve that issue.
“well i was treated this way so the next gen needs to be too.”
And often this isn't the case either, originally this shit was either paid or the entire production was not for profit so it was fundamentally different. It has only been as corperatization and the profit motive have taken, that the system of indentured labor has become expected.
i figured she was an editor with the scissors and film emoji lol
which is pretty funny cause if shes a writer and editor then shes managed to go routes that dont even fuck with the on set camaraderie and collaboration anyway. not to say that doesnt exist in editing and writing, but its not quite the same as going insane with 50 other people for 15-16 hours a day lol
I am literally making a mod for Skyrim right now lol. Sometimes it's just nice to make things.
Hell, even going off of Skyrim I'd say the whole modding community is proof that people will collaborate to create a larger piece of art, or just make something by themselves.
"Sometimes it's just nice to make things"
How do people not realize this!?
Alienation has been so naturalized people have forgotten that "Sometimes it’s just nice to make things"
All the worthwhile things I contributed to were completely without any monetary compensation just out of passion.
proof that people will collaborate to create a larger piece of art, or just make something by themselves.
Heck, even hexbear is an example of this.
Shit, whole operating systems are built on free collaboration. Or look at Wikipedia, which despite its issues is a huge step up from all prior encyclopedias.
I have some reservations about how well this arrangement would work on more physical projects (it's hard to imagine city waterworks or public transit working on a purely volunteer, bottom-up basis), but it's clear that there's enormous untapped potential there.
It's not a creative endeavor in the same way, but the speedrunning community is also a really good example
Lol at believing it's the "tankies" that have a disdain for the arts and culture.
The CHUDs may endlessly go on about the "superiority" of western culture, but when push comes to shove, they'll scrap anything that's unnecessary (read the arts and culture), especially if it negatively affects those "metrpolitan elites" that they think populate the arts.
Also, there was no art before about 1700. To square that circle they'll just say shit like "capitalism = freedom" or "capitalism = trade" so they can claim it has existed since the year dot, rather than a few hundred years in reality.
Also, there was no art before about 1700.
i guess you'll need to define art because typically even cave painting/drawings are considered art. David was sculpted in the early 1500s.
I think he's saying that if they believe in this concept of art as outlined in the tweet, it couldn't exist before capitalism, therefore no art before 1700s, which then chuds will go capitalism is when trading.
Art = Paint on canvas.
If it ain't paint, and it ain't on canvas, it ain't art.
Cave paintings are cool and all. Are they art? See above.
Having gone through art history classes, there’s definitely a line somewhere where the items and artifacts stop being “historical items” and start being “art” and important in and of itself, with few exceptions.
Ackshually, the USSR forced them to make good movies. If they didn't, Stalin would personally murder another 200 billion people.
Me and my partner wanted to have sex but nobody was coercing us so we just watched netflix. Being a fetishist isn't always fun.
hi this is the tanky state here to coerce you :stalin-gun-1::stalin-gun-2:
hi this is the tanky state here to stop you :volcel-judge::spray-bottle:
The tankie state gave me blue balls and now I have to abandon communism and be a fascist
tankie (n) (tānk - ē) • someone who holds political views to the left of me
for nothing in return
I get the good feel brain chemicals in return, ashley.
Genuine feelings of accomplishment in your projects/contributing to society, your group or whatever > money always. People can make all the money they need to live in our shitty system and still will be languishing from alienation.
That's obviously asinine, I've worked for free on films and plays out of curiosity and wanting to try something new. You learn a lot.
Edit: George Lucas praised the Soviet film scene, saying they had a lot more creative freedom because everything wasn't dominated by the profit motive.
Why are people like this?
I think it’s an inability to imagine sociopolitical dynamics being different to how they are presently.
She’s thinking, I need to make money to survive and any time I’m spending not doing that is taking away from my ability to survive, so why would I ever put energy into a project that approaches the level of energy I’d put into labor if I wasn’t going to get a return on that time investment I could use to survive, pay rent, eat, etc.
haha like an image of the cover of Fischer's book where the title is legible
Just an image of the entire text that's completely unreadable, in the grand tradition of leftist memes
Everybody volunteering their time talking with her debunks her premise.
Like half of all indie games start off as a couple friends jamming out an idea and sometimes they make the decision to hire people to speed of development when it gets big enough.
I imagine if you didn’t have the looming threat of homelessness over your head and the free time more people would be even more likely to join projects they found interesting
Yeah, interesting how much time we'd have for creative projects if we weren't struggling just to have the basics. Not like most big budget games are that great anyway tbh
I almost always play and enjoy low budget indie games over aaa games. Even if they’re flawed they’re usually interesting and unique experiences. The profit motive has homogenized all aaa into pallete swaps of the same fucking game over and over.
... for nothing in return.
Well there's your problem. The idea that the only thing of value to a person, that could convince them to do something, is money.
This idea is pretty fucking disgusting.
"Wanna have sex? Only for money!"
"Wanna cuddle? Am I getting paid?"
"Go to a funeral? Well, am I getting anything from their will?"
You know, actually I don't think the internet is necessarily what ruined people's sense of interpersonal interaction
I'm terminally online and even I can understand why pic is a stupid argument
I think some people are just dead inside from the getgo
survival under capitalism pushes you to think of everything in terms of financial benefit
"On the basis of political economy itself, in its own words, we have shown that the worker sinks to the level of a commodity and becomes indeed the most wretched of commodities; that the wretchedness of the worker is in inverse proportion to the power and magnitude of his production"
People internalize this form of self worth and they cannot think outside the confines of capitalism.
Materialism, baby. Our thoughts on "human nature" are inevitably tied to the society you live in. Pre-capitalist peasants thought that the sun takes revenge on those who curse it, trees and rivers were conscious, and that plants and animals have secret knowledge. They were much more in tune with the natural world and the rhythm of the seasons by necessity. Capitalist ghouls can't imagine people doing something without it being an economic exchange of value.
Using creative endeavors as the foundation for this type of argument literally makes no sense, strong signal that this person has no imagination or creative spark, which is probably why they're writing paragraph threads on twitter
Anti-communist polemic has never been this incoherent, they ain't sending their best folks :trump-anguish:
guys if we have a non market socialist society, will there still be Marvel movies ?
the big questions of our time :thinkin-lenin:
Like huge sprawling epics that take hundreds of people to produce, the product of thousands of work hours.
Like War and Peace? Hell, we have far fewer sprawling epics now that we are firmly in the era where films are greenest purely on market considerations. Napoleon could never be made today.
Im sure soviet directors could make sequels if they wanted too, most sequel todays are mostly cash grabs, i think stalker was supposed to be the first in a trilogy but the director got tired after having to film that movie 3 times after bad luck with the first 2 times
Hot take: the first cut of Stalker burning down is a bigger loss to humanity than the library of Alexandria burning down.
You mean all the poetry written by inbred nobleman back in the broze age wouldn't have held the secrets of the ages?
We might have individual communities writing plays and setting up performances for themselves. The horror.
Just FYI this person has been extremely mad on Twitter for days since she said not liking Disney movies is reactionary
Lmao, that rules. I don't understand how someone can be a professional film maker and hold that view. Like the fans, I can kind of get. Like they're well crafted enough that maybe you could assume the only reason to dislike them is the inoffensive milquetoast cultural liberalism. But you'd expect a filmmaker would have slightly more refined tastes.
When i went to film school I was actually really surprised how many people there were obsessed with marvel movies. Not so much the profs, outside of one guy who had a bizarre obsession with disney. It was so fuckin weird, he made everyone write a paper about disney at the end of every semester. I just wrote mine about how Disney was a gigantic fascist and his original disneyworld idea was a fuckin weird fascist fantasy. he is no longer employed there since he moved out west after getting shit on for getting a 16 year old girl to undress for some shakespeare movie he was filming.
anyway thats kind of a tangent, but lol.
i def dont remember but he did pass me. I think with an A lol. the last day of class was a discussion on Walt Disney or whatever and we spent basically the whole time arguing about whether he was a fascist and whether the original epcot idea was fascist. A national guard kid said "what if you want to live under fascism though?" lol :brainworms: good times.
Up to the words "working on" I thought this was just the standard "communism = everyone lazy" thing conservatives spout, then I read the rest of the sentence and realized it's even dumber lmao
Some guy in the thread was like what about the MCU? Which imo is the real critique, if there is one. Under socialism the direction of art projects will be decided by artists. Which means far fewer market considerations, and you'd probably end up with fewer blockbusters and more artsy movies, fewer call of duties and more death strandings. Current consumers of media might be "worse off" in that they won't get the treats they're used to.
Right like, asking who will clean septic tanks under communism is at least a fair question when asked in good faith. Does this person really think no one wants to be in the movies unless they are paid?! Like, isn't that probably the one job that just about damn near everyone would love to do?