Fyi strawpoll's embed is borked so don't try to vote through there
For an example of what it might look like check out upstream lemmy
Edit: voting will close noon est
Brb, submitting a new emoji exclusively for my avatar
Honestly could we also have a vetting system. Regardless of if we use them or not, if mods ok something than anyone on the site can use it. So as an example I submit 20 photos of red army soldiers in various poses or circumstances etc, and whenever those get approved, they are then okayed for everyone henceforth. That way we dont have all new emotes being avatar wishlists
I like this idea a lot. Would stop trolls from putting shock pics as their avatar.
What if your avatar was automatically a burning American flag emoji and couldn't be changed until like, x amount of posts so that trolls had to use the default anti-america one as they wouldn't be able to change it before their ban?
New users get randomly assigned an avatar from a pool of extremely subversive, anti-american pics until they cross a certain post/upbeared comment score.
Locked into PPB until they raise their social credit score. Twitter egg icon, but it’s a hog shitting on its testicles.
Nah, because I don't want to haze new people in general just chuds coming here to cry about our horse memes.
I'm okay with that, although I still prefer the idea of forcing them to rep "Death to America"
Sounds like flairs back on the sub, it's a good idea.
You could do custom flair though, I definitely had a custom flair
Yeah, mine was Marxist-Derridaist Vanguard, I think
I've got my Ba'athist-Syndicalist flair grandfathered in on r/GenZedong and I refuse to change it lol
Thinking about it, custom text flairs could be abused by chuds and wreckers, but picking from a list of site emojis sounds good.
Thinking about it, custom text flairs could be abused by chuds and wreckers,
How can a custom text flair be abused in a way that, like, the entire site of custom text comments can't be? Genuine question, because that doesn't make any sense to me.
Putting transphobic shit in their for starters, or racism, or malicious links, basically anything that can be written. I think for caution's sake, flairs should just be pictures you chose from.
I honestly forget that we had image flairs since they stopped working in the quarantine days
This idea changed my mind, at first I was a no but this is such a great idea
Yes, but provided the entire thing get turned into a 2003 esque bulletins board style forum.
And all of the songs are from emo bands with names like Fall from Grace
Going to one of those sites that would generate gifs of text effects and getting one of block letters on fire that say Xx_Plagued_Soul_669_xX for my signature
This, but unironically. Avatars would be messy on a reddit clone but are integral to a classic forum, which is what this site should be.
I'm abstaining my vote because I know this site is remaining a clone and because I'd rather have a set of avatar options instead of custom avatar, and I assume custom is what would happen.
Oh, I'm not being ironic. I legit would prefer we be an old school style forum. I also think it would just work better on the whole and be a cool thing we do that no one else does.
I've somehow joined SA again. We need to implement the toxx clause I guess
I'm for it, but we better not have like 200 accounts with Stalin pfps. I reserve the right to treat all those people as the same person.
Is there a band called The Stalin Collective?
I don't know any Russia. Stalin was Man of Steel so what would The Collective of Steel or The Steel Collective be in Russian?
it wouldn’t be any worse than that, which mods take care of quickly
Instead of one shock pic, every thread where they spammed would be full of them.
Yeah, I'd hope that would happen post-ban. Was thinking more of before the sitemods get to them. Sorry if my comment came across as rude.
Also, for those of use whose brains are bit on the borked side and names don't stick, pictures kinda help get around that.
Only allow accounts that pass certain requirements (upvotes, account age,...) to have avatars imo, to prevent trolls from abusing it
Would also make it easier to spot suspicious new accounts
If we vote yes, we should probably have a second poll after like a month.
Default avatar ought to be PPB
It keeps telling me I've voted but when I go to the results it still says 0 votes cast. So much for the tolerant left
It's showing 4 votes are cast already. I think it only updates every so often
To those who have voted no, have you ever considered shutting the fuck up?
i will never.
i'm just imagining anime avatars dropping hot takes like on Twitter and it scares me.
We can simply bully anime pictures
Sectarianisn :geordi-no:
Anti anime action :geordi-yes:
I chose yes but good point, reddit has them tucked away on profile pages so I assumed it'd work on a similar way.
I would like avatars but with a restriction like you can one have one if your account is 1 month old